
On July 3rd I turned 28. I wanted to write a post to myself. Reflecting this last year of my life and all that I've learned. 

1. Being open and honest with family will free your soul - Honesty is something you pride yourself on and practice on the daily, but when it comes to family it's not so simple. The fear of saying something out of turn, or hurting the feelings of people who will be forever by your side is daunting - but it's without doubt the best decision you've made this year. 2. Toxic people will come and go - With friendships, you'll trust them with your life until they give you reason not to. Learning to accept that not everyone will be what you expect is a challenge that won't ever get easier; but removing negativity from your life will never be bad for the soul. 3. Mental Health is just as important as physical health - Enough said. 4. Standing up for yourself is liberating - It's not always easy, but it will always be worth it. 5. Being an adult is testing - You've felt more anxiety about life choices this year than any other - but taking time to make them is okay. 6. Cheese is actually okay - Particularly Marks and Spencer beef mac & cheese. 7. True friendship withstands the test of time - and any kind of weather. 8. A purely monochrome wardrobe will become a thing of the past - Who knew you loved red so much? 9. Forgiving is not forgetting - So true, thanks Paramore. 10. When you set your mind to something, you are capable - Even when you least believe it. 11. You can deal with change - And you will. 12. Your body is not invincible - If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Don't wait, do something about it. 13. Surrounding yourself with good, caring people will change your life - It's amazing how far kindness can stretch. 14. No-one will work as hard for you as you'll work for yourself - And that's okay. If you don't try you'll never know, it's not a mistake just a lesson. 15. Everything you want is on the other side of fear - Quite literally. 16. Committing yourself to achieve your dreams pays off. 17. Potato smiles will always be the best comfort food - Am I right? 18. Saying no won't be as difficult as you imagine. 19. Saying yes won't be either. 20. Travelling will open your eyes and your mind - It'll be scary and testing and emotional but also everything.  21. Depression does not define you. 22. Interior Design makes you happy - And you're actually quite good at it. 23. IT Cosmetics Superhero Mascara will change your life - Well, your lashes at least. 24. Location, Location, Location will continue to be the best TV show. 25. You'll be loved so fiercely you almost won't believe it - Jamie will continually surprise you with his loyalty and kindness. 26. No matter how many flat lays you see, you'll still not want a Chanel handbag - Think of all the money you're saving. 27. Being self-employed will be conflicting - Just know that even when you don't feel it, you have complete control of how you move forward. 28. You'll definitely feel older this year - But with age comes knowledge, and you'll love shaping your future as an adult.

Here's to 29...

I'm excited.

Photography by Alexandra Cameron


