50 Random Facts About Me TAG! | Video

I’veloved catching up on YouTube videos since I’ve been home, and my absolutefavourite had to be the ’50 Random Facts About Me TAG’ that’s been floatingaround. As always, Esteé from EssieButton had me in stitches watching hers andI just couldn’t not give it a whirl.
Itend to be a bit more reserved regarding bits and bobs about me personally, butI thought it might be quite nice to share some of my oddities with you lovelylot. I know I love these sort of things, just because you feel like you get toknow the person behind the beauty talk & posey fashion shots a little bitmore :). I feel like I’ve made some really lovely friends through this wholeblogging world, and I would love some of you to take part so I can get to knowyou all better too! I've tagged two fellow bloggers I know have YouTube channels :) Zoe of Zoenewlove and Charlotte from Lilmisschickas

It was quite tricky thinking of 50 facts though, I think I went a bit too far with the whole boxer shorts thing….no? ;) 

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