A Little Film Photography

Some of you who follow myramblings on Twitter may know that I’ve been on a 10 week photography course atmy local college. In my last ‘photography post’ (if you can even call it that),I touched base on my passion for the art of Photography and my particular lovefor how wonderful I believe film photography is. (How many times am I going tosay photography in this post?) Photography, photography, photography.

When my lovely boyfriendkindly purchased me my first DSLR I thought it best that I start to learn theropes – properly. I didn’t want to be using it on automatic and I wanted tomake the most of the piece of kit I had. So I thought what better way, thantaking a course that focuses on the basics? Little did I know that it would notonly teach me everything I needed to know about digital, but it would alsodelve into the likes of film, and pinhole.
For my final project, Ihave to produce 6-10 images around a particular theme (of my choice). Being themorbid little sod that I am, I’ve picked Graveyards. To me there’s somethingreally quite beautiful about them, let alone all the different textures and coloursavailable to snap. I’ve taken the majority of the photo’s on my DSLR, toshowcase the techniques we’ve learnt over the past 9 weeks, but I wanted totake a few on film too, just to see how they would come out really. I also tooka few snaps of my beautiful friend (nothing to do with the theme), she isridiculously photogenic (hate chu) and I was pleasantly surprised at how theycame out. I may even pop a few of them in my final project!

I haven’t edited orenhanced any of these images, as I wanted to show you how naturally beautifulfilm can be on it’s own. I had so much fun developing these in the dark room –although it does take an age to get it right! These ones are actually theoriginal negatives from the camera – scanned on to my PC! Pretty nifty eh? Ithink I’ll pop down to boots on the weekend and get the rest developedproperly.

This film camera isancient, and as you can see has lots of scratches on the lens – but that’ssomething I really love, it gives that vintage feeling and I think addscharacter to the image. This was all shot on a standard 35mm black and whitefilm. Although it is expensive to have films developed, and it’s not somethingwe can all afford to do on a weekly basis, I think it’s lovely to have a goevery once in a while, and there’s something really quite exciting about waitingfor them to be ready, you never know what you’re going to get! Plus you canpick up film camera’s from your local charity shop for next to nothing!
What do you think? Did I do okay for my first attempt at Film photography? And would you like to see my final project when it's done? :)

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