When a New Year rolls around the majority of us have a tick list of things we want to achieve. Whether it be getting a new job or finishing that novel, I think it’s safe to say at the top of most people’s lists will be getting healthy. I have to admit I’m a bit naughty when it comes to actively watching what I eat or drink, so when Alpro got in contact with me about their Alpro Almond Mornings campaign it gave me the kick up the butt I’d been waiting for. (n.b. must learn to encourage myself more!)
So what’s this all about I hear you say? #AlproAM is all about encouraging us to introduce a healthier lifestyle to our mornings with...SMOOTHIE’S!
Smoothies are a fantastic way to kick-start any day and instantly make you feel better about yourself - whilst also helping to fill your tummy and get a daily intake of fruity goodness.
I’ve always loved using Alpro hazelnut or almond milk in my smoothie creations – I hate regular milk and can just about stand a splash over my cereal but when it comes to drinking a whole glass? No thank you.
Alpro were lovely enough to send over a little package of goodies, including their Almond Unsweetened (hello, lowest calorie nut drink, ever!) to whip up 7 smoothies over 7 days. I’m not going to lie, I found it a little tricky – I mean it’s all very lovely seeing lots of foody bloggers posting their amazing creations but when you’re not that way inclined it can be tricky to give yourself that push. Plus it meant having to get up a little earlier (I’m not a morning person FYI), however it was so worth it – one glass and a slice of toast for breakfast did me until lunchtime. I wasn’t reaching for snacks at 11am like usual and I had heaps more energy. So, I thought it would be quite nice to share one of the recipes I enjoyed the most with your lovely selves....

 What’s inside?

1 large slice of honeydew melon
¾ of a peeled cucumber
A few sprigs of mint (leaves removed)
150ml Alpro Almond Unsweetened
Simples! Just thrown in to my teeny blender for a few seconds and voila! It’s so refreshing and filling – not to mention amazingly healthy and it only takes a few minutes. Once I’d got past the thought of getting up and making it I felt so much better about myself, it’s quite incredible what adding a little bit of healthiness to your diet can do for your mood and I’m now even considering buying a juicer so I can make it a permanent part of my morning routine. Especially seeing as Daniel had green eyes watching me sip down my glass of loveliness!
The #AlproAM campaign has been running since the beginning of the year, so make sure you check out Twitter to see what everyone has been making and get some further inspiration! I’d love to know if you decide to give it a whirl and what creations your make :) For my next one I quite fancy a little bit of naughty and nice...perhaps peanut butter and frozen berries?! Mmm.

