Coat: Vintage (similar here). Bag: DSUK c/o LYDC.Ray-Bans: c/o Shade Station. Shoes: Topshop (similar here).

I’m not one to tell fibs (well, not regularly anyway) andI wasn’t about to sit around and pretend I wasn’t bloomin’ excited that summermight be over.  Don’t get me wrong I dolove the sun and that everyone is so much jollier when it’s got it’s hat on,but I don’t really ‘enjoy’ summer clothing. I’m much more interested in myautumn/winter wardrobe and could not WAIT to whip out a coat!

Admittedly this is my mother’s coat - one she picked upat a vintage market for £7 a few years ago (you might say we’re quite thebargain hunters) but I’m blogging it all the same. It was rather nippyyesterday and I was staying at my parents so raided Mute’s wardrobe forsomething warm to wear before we popped out on a jolly. Needless to say she wasn’timpressed when I pranced out in this little beauty, but there was no chance Iwas taking it off. Oddly, the sun was still fierce so I was in need of somesunnies and having just received my first ever pair of Ray-Ban’s I whipped themout and off we went. It probably sounds ridiculous but it’s crazy how muchdifference it makes having higher-end sunglasses. They feel a zillion timessturdier than my £5 Primark pair I’ve been sporting this summer and actuallymanage to stay put on my little pea head without slipping halfway down my faceevery second and giving me a roaring headache like most do!
So, oversize coats and sunglasses combined are my way ofstating that I rather like being chilly, but the sun must stay put.Agreed?Looking for your winter coat? You can shop my look here...

