Back to the Beginning.

Dress: Urban Outfitters. Dr Martens: Cloggs*. Bag & Headscarve: Becksondergaard. Necklaces: One & Two.

I'd fallen out of love with my style posts. The effort of even washing my face seemed like it would require every single muscle in my body - and quite frankly that was one too many.I'd gotten myself in this rut of simply getting dressed to take photos, instead of living and potentially documenting that via photography. And that's no fun at all.More and more I feel my blog is becoming a place for IRL (in real life) moments. The ones that help build and shape us as individuals. (Hold up, I'm not preaching I'm some kind of life guru, just sayin' - I want to write about what matters, to me).I'll still be sharing my wardrobe with you guys, because, it's my passion. But I don't want it to be a chore - I want to have fun, start living a little more and enjoying this wonderful world we live in.So here it is. Me remembering why I started this blog, in an outfit that I've not taken off since I bought it. Quite possibly the most effortless dress I own, picked up in the Urban Outfitters (always fabulous) sale - it needs no description.For forever and a day I've wanted a pair of Dr. Martens - but none have screamed out to me. Not until these, what can only be described as Jesus sandals, appeared on the internet. It's safe to say they've completed my life and are stonkingly comfortable - contrary to popular belief.Oh, and when you can't be arsed with washing your hair - beautiful headscarves are the answer, obv.


Shake Your PomPom
