Beauty Products I Can't Live Without!

This has to be one of my absolute favouritevideos I’ve filmed. Picking out and selecting my beauty products I couldn’t liveout was harder than I imagined. It turns out I’m probably a bit highermaintenance than I thought! I could’ve had double the products in there, but Itried my hardest to strip it back to basics and my day to day necessities.There’s a mixture of high to low end beauty bits so there is definitelysomething for everyone.
If any of your staples are the same as mine I’dlove to know – and alternatively if there is anything you’ve spotted in thevideo that you’re thinking you’d like to try I’d love to know that too. It’salways lovely to hear when someone goes with a recommendation and sees results:)
I hope you all had a lovely weekend? My planschanged last minute and I ended up going to my nanny’s on the Friday night andstayed right through until Sunday evening. I really love spending time withher and we had a jolly time shopping, eating lots of food and watching a filmat the cinema – a song for Marion, I’m warning you now if you’re a bit of acrier at films, TAKE TISSUES. I was literally in hysterics and was trying toconceal my blubbing by eating massive handfuls of popcorn. It was such a lovelyfilm though so definitely worth a watch.
I also took a few snaps in my Nan’s garden foran outfit post coming up soon, so keep your eyes peeled for a change of scenery! Ooh Err, I know how to treat you don't I? ;)

Have a great weeks ladies (& gents) :) 


How I Style My Hair | Enrapture Jumbo Waver


GIVEAWAY | The Enrapture Jumbo Waver!