Today's been a difficult day. We all have them don't we? The ones where putting one foot in-front of the other and representing a smile that's as transparent as light seems about all you can really manage.When I feel like this, I try to focus on the positive periods I've experienced recently. So, here goes.It’s no secret that Alexandra Cameron is one of my favourite gal pals. She was a massive part of my 2014 and I’m so excited to experience more wonderful adventures with her this year.If you’ve been reading you’ll know that she’s a pretty kick ass photographer and late last year we worked together on an image for her GIANT series. It’s one of many fantastic creations up Alex’s sleeve, where she creates and builds giant props (with the help of her awesome fella, Will) and incorporates them in to an otherwise simplistic, ‘normal’ shot. This was the image from the one we created together: 

A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.

I thought it might be quite fun to share some behind the scenes shots from the day. I'm no model, but helping Alex achieve a vision and getting to go through the process with some amazing people was such a wonderful experience. 

A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.
A blog post behind the scenes on Alexandra Cameron Photography GIANT series shoot.

 From a blogger, who simply picks up her camera and experiments, it's really quite incredible to see all the hard work and effort that goes in to putting together a shoot.Alex spent time picking the right spot in the forest, trying to decide where the light would work best, and how long we'd have it for. Will built the swing, which was over 7ft long and suspending it between two trees was no easy feat. But with some super heavy bundles of rope and topnotch tree climbing skills later, the boys did it. Alex's wonderful friend and florist Claire, met us in the forest to finish my outfit off with the most stunning floral crown. And whilst the guys secured the swing, Claire worked her magic to create some beautiful floral hanging arrangements. She wrapped them around the ropes with hundreds of flowers she'd lugged through the fields from her van - and what a lovely and talented lady she is.IT WAS FREEZING GUYZ and my dress didn't do up or even slightly fit, I spent most of my time in between shots squirming like a little salmon trying not to flash Alex - I'm sure it was a very pretty sight ;)But really? I had the most incredible day. Alex has built herself the most supportive, loveliest, caring friendship-family anyone could ask for. And the fact that I've been able to share some of that love? I'm so, truly grateful.

Thanks so much, Al. For having me on your shoot and for being such a wonderful friend and making even the darkest of days seem possible. I love you.

Black and White Life
