Bibs 'n' Bobs | A touch of Bunting Baby

You lot know how much I love to discover new upcoming quirky shops withsomething a little bit different to offer. Well a dear family friend of minehas recently taken the plunge and started her own little company to that exactdescription.

Bibs ‘n’ Bobs  spend their time crafting beautiful handmade creations aimed predominately at mummy’s orfriends and family of mummy’s & babies - however if you don’t fit thatcategory quite yet don’t click away, this little slice of homemade heavencaters for pretty much everyone.

Fromhandmade bibs, to bunting, pillows and aprons you’re guaranteed to find theperfect gift or treat for yourself/your baby. Everything is made to order andpersonalisation is what makes this shop so special. Being a little older(although some might say I require a bib, I’m constantly missing my mouth),Bibs ‘n’ Bobs kindly sent me over this gorgeous bunting to share with you lovelies...
Absolutely perfect for agarden party, celebrating a birthday or to just simply hang up in your bedroom(aka what I’m doing!). Of course, if you're not looking for somethingpersonalised you can choose anything from their facebook page album, all itemsare labelled up with prices and sizes/age groups. 
I lovethe vintage feel of mine, it fits in perfectly with my bedroom and I particularlylove it against my fairy lights on my bed post :)
If this little shop tickles your pickle just select a themefrom the samples shown on their facebook page and send them your chosen name via their page!Each triangular flag measures 17cm x 17cm (approx) and bunting will be suppliedwith tie ends of 35cm each. All Personal bunting is £15.00 for up to a sixletter name, then £1.00 for every additional letter. e.g AVA = £15.00 CHARLIE(£15.00 + £1.00) = £16.00
I’m definitely going to be placing afew orders with them for friends and family, it’s such a lovely idea :)
What do you think? Is bunting up your street? :)

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