I don’t think I’ve ever taken part in a tag on my blog before. To be honest, most of the time they don’t particularly interest me. But my beloved Zoe tagged me in this one and I thought it would actually be quite nice for you to find out a little more about my favourite parts of blogging, who enables my purchases and who inspires me! A big round of applause to the fabulous Fee for creating the tag!
What was the first blog you ever came across? 
Zoella. The funny thing was that I didn’t even know blogging existed at the time (whoops)...I was googling something to do with hair styles and up popped Zoe’s beautiful Barnett. I clicked on it and it led me through to her blog...that was 3 years ago and the rest is history!
Favourite beauty blog reads
I seriously have so many, but when I find a new beauty product the first blog I check without a doubt for a review is Tattooed Tealady by Sophia, she has a bucket full of beauty knowledge and is incredibly lovely too. Essie Button is also one of my absolute faves – Esteé is that natural beauty who knows how to rock any bold lip and no-one knows skincare better.
Best blogging friend
Shock horror......ZOE NEWLOVE. I love this lady so much and if you want to know a little bit more about our friendship you can read my post here. Blogging is pretty amazing but when it brings a new best friend in to your life you’ve gotta bow down.
Name a blog that enables your purchases:
Hmm..that’s a tough one. I’m more easily enabled via YouTube reviews, but Alix from I Covet Thee makes me want to buy EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD EVER. So I think it’s safe to say she’s an enabler...
5 blogs everyone should be reading! I can't pick 5 that's too hard.
Your favourite way to read blogs
I do find that I still browse through my feed daily, but my absolute favourite has to be bloglovin’. It’s so easy to use and a great way to engage with the community through liking posts and sharing via social media platforms. You can check mine out here!
Bloggers that inspire you 
It’s not a ‘beauty’ blog per-say but Laura from Superlatively Rude is one of the most inspiring ladies I’ve ever come across in the blogging world. She’s more lifestyle, i.e. she writes about vagina’s *we’ve all got ‘em ladies* and basically anything that happens in her life. She inspires me to be more open and confident in myself and can write like no other – this lady has serious, serious TALENT.
Favourite blog design/look
I absolutely love Cider with Rosie’s blog design. It’s so neat and tidy but still manages to keep that quirky, earthy feel. I just love it.
What is your favourite thing about blogging? 
I think it goes without saying – the blogging community is by far the best thing. Whether you’re feeling on top of the world or like it’s crashing down on you, you can guarantee that so many bloggers will be there as a huge support. Blogging makes you feel like you’ve found your place in the world, where people accept you for who you are, your obsessive fashion needs and incessant want for tea. I’m grateful everyday for the people that now constantly surround me via my blog, it’s such a special thing!

Name a blogger you would most like to see write a book in the future!

This is such a difficult question...but I think it would have to be Hannah Maggs. She has been through a lot in her life and is a personal inspiration to me for many reasons. I think what she's accomplished to date would be a fantastic basis for a book - not only is she so genuine, but she would definitely help demonstrate to a younger demographic that you can achieve anything if you set your mind to it.
SO, that was my TAG! What did you think? I know it's a little different, but I hope you enjoyed it :)
I tag...Hannah and Kayleigh - and of course anyone that wants to take part! Please leave me a comment below if you decide to take part so I can read your post - and don't forget to tweet Fee and let her know too! xxx

