Body Shop | Shimmer Cubes Palette

Whilst I was away on hols, I did some guest posting for some other bloggers too! This one here, is one I did for the absolutely gorgeous Sammi of Samantha Avena  (pretty please go and check out her blog, it's full of amazing photography and wonderful lifestyle stories). I'm a little bit in love with her to be honest. In the least creepy way, obviously. Anyway, I thought you guys might like to see what I wrote over on her blog!

It’s quite odd really, the product I’m about to mention has been astaple in my makeup routine since I can remember. I’m talking almost 10 yearsfolks (I know, I’m that old); but it’s the only makeup product I own from this brand.How ridiculous.

 The Body Shops Shimmer Cubes areliterally my favourite thing ever. In one little pot you get 4 different cubesof eye shadows. There are quite a few to choose from in the range and I own theShade 06 in ‘warm’.

I love the idea of them being in cubes, it’s super cute and makesme happy (it’s the small things, eh?) :) Each little pot is generous in size,meaning that they last forever and a day. I’ve literally had mine for over ayear and have hardly made a dent. Obviously the colours chosen in each paletteare there to complement each other, and blend beautifully. I’m not the best at achievinga ‘smoky eye’ look, but here’s my typical way to wear these four shadestogether…

Natural, and easy. I'm not really one for anything too heavy. Now, pigmentation/staying power is clearly a huge factorconsidered when choosing your eye shadow and these certainly don’t disappoint.I think the main reason these last so long is that you need minimal product to achievea dramatic look, and even less to achieve a subtle glow (like mine); and it will stay putfor hours. One of these bad boys will set you back £16, but when you take into considerationthe quality of the product, and how long it will be sat on your dressing table,I think it’s completely justified!

You can also get 40% off your order online with Body Shop today!! Just type in TIME at checkout to redeem your discount :) Barrrrrgaiiiiiiinnnnn!

What do you think; does this beauty tickle your pickle? Or do youhave a favourite palette I should know about?

My Daily Make-up Routine | Video


Outfit Post | Country Bumpkin and the Flu