I’m quite excited about today’s post, for two reasons. Firstly, you may have read my blog relating to my acne issues, and how Courthouse Clinics and I were working together to kick it’s sorry butt? (If not, you can see that here). I mentioned in that post that I would be writing up a separate review on the specific products they’d recommended I use, so today that’s what I’m going to do.I’ve never before been SO uber excited to share beauty products with you, they have seriously changed my life and for that reason alone Courthouse will be my BFF. 
This is the softest, silkiest cleanser I’ve ever used – it’s super gentle so is great for sensitive skin, but boy does it do it’s job. I use it as a makeup remover on an evening (and follow with a second cleanser from Courthouse that I’ll be reviewing at a later date), I just need one pump (yay for pump applicators!) to remove an entire face of makeup and apply to damp (not wet) hands and a dry face. It’s quite thick, so a little goes a long way and it literally melts away makeup, even those stubborn mascara’s. It’s an anti-ageing cleanser so it works to soothe and hydrate the skin with a mix of antioxidant vitamins, which in turn equals supple, soft and radiant skin. But the very best bit is that it manages to control my excess oil – I’ll usually try a cleanser and for the first month or two I’m super impressed, but after that my skin goes back to misbehaving. I’ve been using this since the end of last year (still on the same bottle FYI) and my skin is absolutely loving it. And for £24, it’s a certainly a keeper guys.
This little bottle is a complete life saver. With adult acne we need active ingredients in our skincare to help maintain breakouts, that’s where AHA’s come in (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) which help to improve the overall condition of our skin. The Perfection Gel contains 16% LCA complex and 1% Salicylic Acid which helps to unblock pores, giving a more even skin tone. There are no oils, fragrance, colourants or parabens in this product and it even works to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. I use it in the morning after my cleanser, just concentrating on the areas that need it: my T-zone. It has helped improve my complexion a tremendous amount – and because my pores aren’t as blocked I’m not experiencing half as many breakouts. It’s bloody perfect.
At a slightly higher price, this baby is certainly more of an investment, but it’s definitely one worth making. A moisturiser/serum is essential to a skincare routine and this one is my absolute favourite in the world EVER. Why is it my favourite you say? Because it’s the only one I’ve ever found that works to actually improve the skins condition long-term.
Whether it be from the sun, spots, drinking or smoking our skin is constantly fighting against nasties and this product works to repair that damage over time. It’s  jammed packed full with anti-oxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids that work to rebalance problematic skin – whether it be oily, sensitive, dehydrated or combination. I use this in the evening and when I wake my skin is perfectly calm – something I could’ve only dreamt of in the past.
SPF, I’ve learned, is essential to our daily routine. And no, I’m not talking about rubbing suncream on our faces before we leave the house – we need an actual SPF, specifically made for our face, and not just a foundation that includes it *slaps wrists*. This one is lightweight and contains 3% LCA Complex (a unique blend of pH-balanced lactic compound (Lactic acid + sodium lactate) that delivers optimal anti-aging results) to ensure our skin is intensely moisturised whilst providing UVB and UVA active ingredients to protect from sun damage (even when the clouds are out ;)). I use this every morning as a moisturiser, under my foundation – it absorbs in to the skin almost instantly and isn’t at all greasy, it’s actually the perfect base pre-makeup, I haven’t been reaching for a primer half as much these days.
FYI. None of the above products have a fragrance to them, they are all very neutral in scent, which just goes to show you don’t need a bunch of flowers in your skincare to make it lovely.
I cannot explain to you how much these products combined have changed my skin and my life. It may sound hugely dramatic but if you suffer with your skin, in any form, you will understand where I’m coming from. My skin isn’t oily anymore, yup – my makeup stays in place all day and actually looks nice rather than clumpy after an hour’s wear. It’s amazing what a simple consultation can achieve and that even after months of use my skin is still loving all the products.
Now the second bit that I’m excited about. Courthouse have been lovely enough to offer you guys the chance to win 4 products tailored to your skin needs. I know, they’re pretty lovely aren’t they? There are a lot of reviews about skincare out there, but I hope you guys can believe when I say that these are so, so incredible. I’m going to be running this giveaway for a week and will host it through Rafflecopter, to make it nice and fair :) – N.B. you must like Court House’s facebook page if you want to win (I’ll be checking ;)) A winner will then be picked at random and contacted via email by the gorgeous Laura where you’ll then discuss your skincare needs and after consulting a CHC skin specialist she will recommend products that will be right for your skin and issue instructions for use.
Towards the end of April I will also be posting my ‘post treatment’ blog post, including before and after pictures of how my skin has changed and progressed since starting my skin peels. I’m really looking forward to sharing that with you guys, but in the meantime, have a look below and we’ll see if we can get you some lovely new skin!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


