Bassbuds earphones. c/o Bassbuds
Since moving in to our new home cleaning has become partof my routine and although it feels like a massive chore there is nothing moresatisfying than a clean house at the end of it. Seriously guys, what ishappening? Am I becoming an adult? Unlikely.
Whilst technology isn’t something I shout about on myblog, it takes a huge part in my life – as I’m sure it does yours. Blastingmusic out of the stereo whilst cleaning isn’t the best so I’ve found myselfreaching more for my iPhone/Pod and tucking it in to my jeans – to dance withthe hoover in our own special way (I hope you have a saucy image in your headright now). That’s why these earphones are so bloomin’ brilliant. Not only dothey look pretty damn awesome – hello bling! But they’re ‘in ear headphones’which means they keep in all the sound and don’t let any other sound in so it’sliterally just music to your ears! Pretty perfect for any situation really. I’m a sucker for anything pretty and as much as I’m alover of Apple, their headphones get so grubby and these bassbuds just look soslick. They also come with the cutest little rubber buds so that you can getthe exact fit to your ear shape (mine are diddy, so this was very handyindeed!)
Yesterday they launched a great summer campaign with somerather fancy prizes including a £500shopping spree in Harvey Nichols with a stylist so hop on over to their website and check it oooooout!


If you didn’t know (you probably guessed if you follow meon twitter etc.) that it was my birthday yesterday! I was working, but had a happyday and spent a lovely evening with Daniel, we watched Despicable Me 2 which isAMAZING and he also bought me the most incredible cake which I will share withyou at a later date! I got a bit of spending money for my Birthday, so I’mthinking with all the housey stuff we’ve done lately it might be quite nice to ‘do’something together, I’d LOVE to get my hands on some Micky Flanagan tickets!Have any of you seen him? I feel like I just want to be his friend.
I'm excited for this evening - going for an Italian with all my family which will be lovely as I don't get to see much of them since I've moved! What are you all up to?

