Fancy a Fisheye? | Photography Post

Since I was a tot,photography has been an avid interest of mine. Whether I’m behind the camera,in front of it or spectating, it just gives me an overwhelming feeling ofhappiness. I don’t profess to be particularly good at it, but I’m certainlytrying my hand at becoming a better ‘photographer’. I can’t quite believe howfast technology is coming on, and it never fails to amaze me that when I wasyounger everything was done on film – digital didn’t even exist. Personally, Ithink film photography will always have a closer place in my heart – not onlydoes it show excellent photography skills but there’s something rather nostalgicabout flicking through ‘real’ photographs. Having said that, film is anexpensive hobby and not one that I can personally keep up with on a weeklybasis. Which is partly why I am such a huge fan of digital – I’m the girl whois head over heels in love with her DSLR and couldn’t wait to get her hands onthe iPhone (blackberry I hate chu). All the accessories and possibilities withdigital really excite me! It’s revolutionary to be able to take a photo, andthen look at it straight away – I think we really take that for grantedsometimes.
Everyone that has an iPhone, will more thanlikely have instagram. It’s pretty much the done thing right? Enhancingphotographs at the tap of a button is fun, and far simpler than the likes of Photoshop.But have you thought about accessories for your iPhone? I was recently sent aFisheye Lense for my 4S and I’m seriously impressed with the results….

Fisheye photography in my eyes is wonderful. It can make a mundane photo so much more interesting and appealing to the eye. This one comes with a nifty little black case to slot on the back of your phone and then you just screw the lense on to the back, so simple and such great quality. They’re a bargain at under £15, so if you want to pick one up you can do, here. 

I think it just shows that you don’t need to fork out thousands of pounds on a digital SLR when your iPhone can do such a fantastic job, providing versatile pictures.
What about you? Have you tried any accessories for your camera phone? What sort of photography interests you?
I recently bought this lense too for my Canon DSLR, would anyone be interested in seeing a post about it?

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