She made broken look beautifuland strong look invincible.She walked with the Universeon her shoulders and made itlook like a pair of wings. That's the thing isn't it, everyone is fighting battles we know nothing about.
I think it’s so important to remember that not everyone you see online, not everything you read, is a true representation of someone’s life.
Mostly, people will choose to share their best version - showcasing a picturesque life that presents the glossiest moments, and why not? Of course people should share what makes them feel good and there aren’t any rules to be broken here - the internet gives us free reign. I for one love sharing my favourite moments with you guys, and I do believe that surrounding yourself with positivity is key to a happier life.But to what end?
I think it’s important to note, that when you’re scrolling through your favourite instagram accounts and you feel your shoulders slumping and your eyes start to water and maybe you even feel the bile rising in the back of your throat because ‘here we go again, why is my life so shit and everyone else has it so easy?’ that you don’t forget - this life you see, this happiness; it’s temporary and changeable.
Everyone has bad days, not every meal they eat looks like it’s walked straight off a Pinterest page, not every single hair is always in place, not all beach days looked that effortless and not every relationship is that perfect.
It’s hard, to look at others lives and not let it be a reflection on your own, to see someone else’s positivity and not cover it in negative energy because it isn’t your good thing. And it’s almost like an obsession, wouldn’t you agree? I mean, it is for me. I find myself scrolling through these perfectly composed blog posts or thought out grid themes on instagram and I’m floored with how much I want to know what these people are doing, I get lost in the beauty and perfection of it all. I find myself asking questions like ‘why don’t you take the time to have a theme, Megan?’ like it’s bad that I don’t, that it’s something I should be doing. But it's so important to also know it's not anyone else's responsibility but my own to realise and understand these fairytale photos are only a fraction of someone else's day.
And then, I try to not let myself get down or give myself a hard time because I’m not as polished as others, or let myself feel stupid that all my hard work doesn't always turn in to dollar bill$. Instead, I remind myself that what I really want, is to do what I can.
I want to let you know I'm vulnerable, that sometimes things hurt me, that sometimes I'm sad, that sometimes I feel inadequate and not good enough.This isn’t a masquerade ball, it's the dance of my life and I want you to be able to see it from all angles.
But I also want you to know that I'll keep fighting, that every battle is worth the hardships I face because we only have one life. We learn from the mistakes we make and from observing others, too.
I want to show the world that I am capable - no matter how heavy my shoulders feel, no matter how broken I am. But I don’t want to be afraid of being honest when sometimes that might mean negativity, and simultaneously I don’t want to be apprehensive to be positive with my accomplishments either.
For as long as I'm here I want to feel like I'm flying, to not be afraid to soar - to take my achievements and shine them right up, because I’m proud of myself; but also acknowledge that there are some battles I might lose and there are things I can't control.
I want to strike a balance between the two, for you to look at my life and see something relatable not unattainable.
So when you feel like you're floating on the surface of this imaginary life you wish you had, don't let yourself fall. Lean in to the fear and let yourself fly because it doesn't have to mean fight or flight, we can do both, we can fight our demons, turn that negative energy in to something positive and instead look down at the world we created for ourselves and be proud.Because perhaps sharing an imperfect life can be just as beautiful. Fight and Flight. A blog post on living an imperfect life online.Fight and Flight. A blog post on living an imperfect life online.

Fight and Flight. A blog post on living an imperfect life online.

Photography by Alexandra Cameron.

