Filling our First Home | #1

As you know (I go on about it enough) Daniel and I arecurrently on the exciting search for our first home. Whilst it’s bloomin’brilliant and so much fun it’s also a little stressful. There are so manyfactors to consider and even though the house may be perfect, the area mightnot be ideal and vice versa. There’s already been a few tears (on my part may Iadd), but I do promise there’s lots of smiles involved too!

I thought I would take a break from finding the ideal home and find some beautiful things to fill it. I’m going to be writing aseries of posts dedicated to my ‘bottom drawer’ as my nan likes to call it :)showing you all the weird and wonderful bits and bobs I pick up. These postswill be a bit higgledy piggledy and will feature anything from pots and pans tobed sheets. I hope you enjoy reading them and fingers crossed you find some nicetiesfor your house too!
I’m sure you also remember my love for Not on the HighStreet – this website is a homebuyers idea of heaven. I nearly fell off mychair when I saw an email pop up in my inbox asking me if I’d like to reviewsomething, absolute perfect timing and from one of my favourite shops too.
Daniel and I have quite different tastes, where he’squite contemporary and clean-cut I am most definitely not. I enjoy clutter andvintage randomness. Do you think we might have a bit of a problem?! Regardless,we sat down together and sifted (through thousands) of items available. Wemanaged to narrow it down and surprisingly loved so many of the same things (phew).The winner was this beautiful toilet roll holder. Excited is not a word I wouldusually use for such a contraption but this excites me far too much to notshare with you guys...

How amazing?  Each shoe last has been recovered from a disused mill in Herefordshire and have been reclaimed and polished by hand. If you're not familiar with what a shoe last is I shall briefly explain - shoemakers and cordwainers use these to manufacture and repair shoes and are shaped similarly to a human foot - whether it be simply for the repair of a heel or a custom made boot, they're a little bit clever! 
I absolutely love this idea, the finish of the solid wood is so warm and authentic and I actually cant wait to have it in my bathroom! If you fancied you could use it as a kitchen roll holder, but I've already found one I like for that :)

For only £35 you're getting something completely original (no two are the same) and every person I've shown it too has been lusting after it, but for now, it's going back in the bottom drawer to wait until we've found it's perfect home!

What do you think? Is this something you'd like in your bathroom? 
P.S. if you like the toilet roll, it's Andrex limited edition haha and I picked it up in Sainsbury's!


