Find me a Baby Gift | The Perfect Present

Today is aslightly different post from the norm. There will be no lusting after beautyproducts that promise to make us look like Scarlett Johansson or impromptupurchases of pieces of clothing we surely cannot justify. No. Today, for meanyway, is about finding the perfect gift for a new mummy & their baby. 

Now, I amfully aware that some of my readers may not be anywhere near ready to have ababy, so this may not be to everyone’s taste, & for that I will apologise.However, I think this little company is just too wonderful not to shout about,literally, everyone should know about it :)
Being slightlylong in the tooth (in the blogging world anyway), I have lots of friends thatare making & having beautiful babies. Which is just wonderful; but don’t youfind it difficult to know what to get as a present? I always feel a bit stuck. They’ll haveheaps of new baby clothes, & I don’t know about you, but I just find itquite difficult to be overly thoughtful without copying what everyone elsedoes. & let’s face it that must get a bit monotonous for the mummy &daddy, right? 
You can imagine then, how delighted I was to find Ange’s online shop, find me a baby gift.Ange’s little slice of online heaven has been established for 5 years, which issuch a short space of time to have built such a wonderful business. The teamsource beautiful baby blankets and quilts which are professionally embroideredwith the baby’s name, date of birth, time & weight. Isn't thata fantastic idea? So refreshingly original and personal. Having purchased from Ange a few times before, she kindly agreedto send me a baby blanket for review, so that I could show you lovely lot. 
I was waiting for a certain fellowblogger to ‘pop’ (excuse crude phrasing) & when she did I couldn’t wait to send her the blanket I’dchosen. Tami, of Tami-Bee is the definition of ‘yummy mummy’,seriously guys she is drop dead gorgeous & had to be the most stylishpregnant lady of ALL TIME. If you haven’t checked out her blog please hop onover, I’m certain you’ll love her as much as I do. I was delighted that sheagreed to send me the details of Isla’s birth, to make the blanket as personalto them as possible. & here are the results… 
Image courtesy of Tami
Image courtesy of Tami

What do you think? I justabsolutely love it :) The one I chose for Tami & Isla is the AnimalApplique Blanket with Honey Bear – in cream, costing a teeny tiny £29.99. It really is the ultimate keepsake item, something you can keep & cherish forever. Each box is individually handwrapped, to ensure personal perfection each time. & you needn't worry about gettingthe blanket sent to you & then the mummy, invoices/receipts are all sortedout over email/post prior to purchase, so your box can be sent lovingly wrapped upto the recipient with a hand written note of your choice. Ordering online issuch a simple process, however if you prefer a more personal approach, there isalways someone at the end of the phone or contactable over email if you haveany queries; definitely the best customer service I have ever received. Prices start from as low as £19.99, so there really is an option for everyone.

Here's what Tami thought:

Theblanket is absolutely perfect. I love that it’s not just a generic girly pinkand the little animals are a lovely touch; they will always remind Isla thatshe's half South African (hehe). The thickness of the blanket will be perfectcome Winter. Heck, it'll be perfect for any chilly night in the Summer! Thefact that it's got her full name and all the details of her birth stitched onmakes it so much more personal and something that we'll keep for the rest ofher life. Y'know everyone has that little thing they absolutely treasure fromtheir childhood and they cannot ever be without? This blanket will be that forIsla. :) 

So, do any of you think you’ll be making a purchase for anew arrival? & mum’s, what do you think of this? Is it something you’d liketo receive? Hop on over & take a know you want to!

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