Last night I found myself in a place I regularly findmyself lately, pondering life.
What am I actually doing?Where am I going? Where do I want to go? It’s something that Iregularly beat myself up about and let myself get absorbed in on far too many weekday evenings.


With these sort of problems we always assume that we arealone. Let’s face it we can all be a little self absorbed sometimes and like tothink that we’re the only person suffering with one particular problem, andthat no-one could possibly understand. Well, my tweet last night proved me wrong.SO many people seem to be feeling the same and from the replies I receivedsparked the idea for this post.
I’m 24 years old and to date I have pretty much no ideawhat I want to do with my life. I have a job and I love my blog, but I can’t sithere and say that it’s what I envisaged for my life, although I also have noidea what I envisaged. To write this down brings tears to my eyes and to behonest, makes me feel a little bit ill. It's never nice to admit publicly that maybe you haven't got it all figured out.
But what I did realise last night was that hey, it’s okayto not know exactly what we want right now. Yes, there are some people whodiscover their future careers and lifestyles when they are picking their ALevels, there are some that pick the exact course they will pursue a job in for the restof their lives at university but there are also the people who don’t – and there’snothing wrong with that.
What I’m trying to say is – we will all get there and it doesn’t matter how long it takes us, or howold we are by the time we do. Life isn’t a race or a competition (although itcan feel like that sometimes) and our way of doing things are just a littledifferent to others.


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There are people who choose to be big flying careerdriven individuals and that’s absolutely fantastic, but I know that I willnever be that person. Yes I want to succeed in what I do, but I also know thatI am not particularly driven by money, or feel there is a definitive job I haveto have and nothing else will do.
What I think is most important is that we don’t focus onwhat other people are doing and just take time for ourselves. This is the timewhen it is okay to be a little bitselfish. I don’t have the answers as to how we will get to where we will end upand I think us continuously searching for them isn’t going to get us anywhereeither, because in short there are no definitive answers. Each of us will findour way and with a sprinkle of positivity we might just get there a little bitquicker...don’t sweat the small stuff, keep a smile on your face and try andsee the bright side of what can seem a shitty situation. Most of the time we are our own worst enemy and if we had a little more faith in ourselves we might be pleasantly surprised at how productive that could be.
Because...we are good people and we shouldn’t be so hard onourselves. The people who are where they want to be in their lives (like my boyfriend Daniel for example) definitely hadto go through some pretty rubbish times too to get that point, so bear that in mindwhen you feel the world is against you.
Our futures are just around the corner and let’s justenjoy our lives until we reach that point :)I'm always here for anyone who needs a chat and like the good old Ernest Hemingway once said:
"If something is wrong, fix it if you can. 
But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything".

