When visiting this blog, you'll typically find fashion. AKA, me, styling up the latest must-haves in my wardrobe. And I'll play it safe, most of the time. Typically I feel most comfortable in a pair of my black skinny jeans and a t-shirt - standard.

 But then, Ghost approached me with the launch of their brand new fragrance and guys, the idea behind the campaign is absolute genius - And let me tell you, this won't be your standard perfume review...The new fragrance is Ghost Girl, and their motto? Dare to be you.Simple, but not as easy as you'd think. To take a journey of self-discovery - challenge yourself to reveal a more edgier, daring and stronger side to who you are.Now, this could be anything, on any level - but I wanted to stick with fashion - I wanted to create something completely different to what you'd usually find on Wonderful You. To step out of my comfort zone and create a look that contrasts the more masculine, casual style I always go for. It's been a turbulent few years in my life, but it's taken me even longer to get to a place where I feel confident in my own skin - so I think it's about time I took a few risks with my wardrobe, too.I picked out a rather fancy frock - and anyone who knows me, knows you'll rarely see me in a dress, let alone something so elegant and pretty; but I thought it would be a pretty perfect fit.With fresh, fruity scents such as pear, pomegranate and orange blossom the perfume lends itself to a girly and dreamy persona - but punches of cedarwood and musky amber contradict that with bursts of attitude and strength coming through. The same goes for the packaging with a graffiti, street style print across the bottle, giving it an edgy look with a bright pink lid to bring back the element of femininity. Contrasting in the most beautiful way. A blog post on the launch of Ghost Girl the new fragrance. Dare to be You and release a brand new side of you. Photography by Alexandra Cameron That's what I hoped to create in these images.The dress - ethereal in it's beauty with a tight, body boosting bodice and a full but light wispy skirt work together to bring out that feminine, delicate side to my personality. But the smoky eyes, haunting feeling of the woods and the grey, almost eerie tones to the dress allow for an element of strength and edginess.I feel incredibly girly. But I also feel like I could pretty much conquer the world. Two things that I rarely feel when getting dressed. And d'you know what? I really like it. I love that a perfumes campaign has been able to make me think outside of the box - get dressed up and let myself celebrate that just because I'm not curvy, doesn't mean I can't try and pull off beautiful ballgowns and still feel good about myself in the process. It's given me the confidence to look at dresses more when I'm shopping, even get myself a little excited at the prospect of having an occasion to wear one...who knows, I might even brave a gown for my friends wedding coming up next weekend!So. This is me. Being comfortable, out of my comfort zone. And smelling damn good, too.Do you know what? I think it's my favourite set of images since starting this blog back in 2012...goes to show what a bit of change can do, hey? 

A blog post on the launch of Ghost Girl the new fragrance. Dare to be You and release a brand new side of you. Photography by Alexandra Cameron
A blog post on the launch of Ghost Girl the new fragrance. Dare to be You and release a brand new side of you. Photography by Alexandra Cameron
A blog post on the launch of Ghost Girl the new fragrance. Dare to be You and release a brand new side of you.
Does this make you want to challenge yourself? Is there a side to you that you rarely explore?
#DareToBeYou and get involved with the launch of #GhostGirl too - make sure you tag me in your snaps, I'd love to see!!
GHOST fragrances have been on a bold journey of self-discovery and unveil their edgy side presenting a brand new feminist floral that is complimented by a brand new look and feel. The scent, like the campaign is bursting with attitude for the strong, daring and fun-loving girl of today.
Their most fearless fragrance to date, this intoxicating scent marks a change of direction for the brand adding a young, mischievous edge to the existing classical collection.
Ghost Girl. DARE TO BE YOU.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Ghost Fragrances via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Ghost Fragrances.
Photography by Alexandra Cameron

