GIVEAWAY CLOSED: Blue Bird Bride Jewellery

The fab feeling of discovering another fantastic online jewellery boutique will never fade. So you can imagine my joy when I was contacted by Blue Bird Bride. If you're looking for statement beautiful necklaces then this is the place to be heading. My wardrobe consists of many plain, dark items so I always like to add a pop of colour to my outfit with accessories that do the talking. I mean, how frickin' gorgeous is this necklace?
I love it so much that I wanted you guys to be able to get your lovely mitts on one too. They come in a variety of colours and at only £16.51 I think everyone should own one! The giveaway will run from today for one month - 24th January. And if you don't win don't worry - you can nab a cheeky 15% off  when you enter FALL2012 at checkout. 
Good Luck All - and a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)
I will be off on my jolly holidays from Christmas Night, so I have filled this little space with lots of guest posts to keep you company. make sure you have a read!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Christmas Party Oufit


Book Reveiw & GIVEAWAY CLOSED: 1930s Fashion: The Definitive Sourcebook