GlossyBox | May 2012 | Happy 1st Birthday!

How quickly has the time gone since I last posted about my April GlossyBox subscription? It literally seems like yesterday!
It was quite a special month for GlossyBox, being their 1stbirthday & all. I can't quite believe it's only been a year for them; theyseem so well established & in my eyes, leaps & bounds in front of othercompetitors. 

There were a few lovely extras this month, to celebratebirthday-ness. Special wrapping, with cakes etc. a bright pink balloon, which Ithink is so cute & a little compact mirror, which is essential to any girlwho loves her beauty.
NOBLE ISLE Summer Rising Cornish Hedgerows Bath & Shower Gel - This came in a lovely little travel size, so perfect for takingaway on your jolly’s. I do have about a zillion body washes, but you can neverbe too clean eh? This smells soooo good. It’s a really fresh & citrusy gel;which sort of reminds me of the shower gels you get in swanky hotels, if youknow what I mean!
LOLITA LEMPICKA Eau de Parfum & Si Lolita – OH MY. I am inlove. These scents are actually amazing. I am particularly in love with the Eaude Parfum. Both are so florally, with little hints of musk to even out thesweetness. If it was food, I would definitely gobble it all up. I’m definitelygoing to buy the full size bottles.
OSMO Berber Oil™ Hair Treatment – I’ve only used this once &was quite impressed. The consistency isn’t dissimilar to Moroccan Oil; it’squite thick, & not too runny.  Itsmells super sweet, literally justlike when you walk in to one of those old fashioned sweet shops. I’m not sure I’ma huge fan of the smell, it’s a bit too sweet for me; but the product workswell. It left my hair super soft and smooth, when applied to damp hair beforeblow drying, whilst adding a little volume. One thing I would say is it didn’t leavemy hair looking as shiny as other oils I’ve tried have.
ELDORA false eyelashes – I haven’t worn false eyelashes since Istudied musical theatre at college, they’re not my favourite beauty accessoryto be honest. I’ll let you know what I think once I’ve dared to try them :)
APIVITA Express Beauty Masks with Honey – Again, another product I haven’ttried yet. I’ve never heard of Apivita before, so I’m looking forward to givingit a whirl. Plus, I loveee honey. Nom.
I’ve seen quite a few reviews going around sayingthat they weren’t too thrilled with their contents this month; that previousboxes had over shone what people were expecting to be a ridiculously great box,considering the occasion. I think what people forget, is that this is a samplebeauty box, to try products you wouldn’t necessarily come across otherwise, nota competition to see how many full sized products you can get for your money. Ipersonally feel this is a great box, & well worth the £10! I receivedexactly what I signed up for, & yet again, I’m not disappointed :)
What did you think of yours this month? Or have youbeen tempted to sign up if you haven’t already? 

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