I just burst in to tears reading quite possibly, one ofthe most amazing journey’s ever documented online.
Before I get on to that, though, let me give you a bit ofa low down on why. Over the past 6 months I have made a brand spanking new,virtual friend – she’s real, just FYI, but I simply haven’t met her (yet). Hernames is Laura and she writes the blog Superlatively Rude. We originallystarted talking back in November of last year, where she contacted me aboutCourthouse Clinics and my acne treatment journey began. Now, here we are,talking pretty much every day - and she’s supported me in ways you can’t evenimagine. Not just with my skin, but with life in general. She really is one ofthe most amazing, incredible ladies I’ve ever had the pleasure to converse withand I feel very grateful for that very first email landing in my inbox, becausequite honestly, it’s changed my life.
Laura is simply beautiful in every way you can imagine,but it’s only since the 13th of January, 2014 that she’s realised shecan love herself more. Every single woman (and man) struggles with theirweight, whether it be for a month or a lifetime – but there are only a few ofus who grab it by the balls in order to make a positive change. Laura had foundherself weighing in more at the Doctor’s than she would’ve liked and realised,perhaps it was time to actually do something about it.
And since the 13th January – which can we justsay, is not very long at all, Laura has lost just over 35 pounds (2.5 stoneFYI). I know, SAY WHAT?! And do you know how she did it? She set herself amission, not only to diet, exercise and completely change up her lifestyle, butto set an end goal, to prepare her mind and body for a huge challenge...
...This weekend, she is embarking on her first ever 10krun - and on Sunday is being photographed naked. Her blog post here, isprobably one of the most inspiring reads of 2014 to date and I for one, am soinsanely proud of what she’s achieved.
What I’m trying to say is, regardless of whether you areoverweight, underweight or your perfect-weight, there will be something youfeel you want to make a positive change to, but just can’t find that inner strengthto do it. Read Laura’s post, be inspired and grab those balls, makethat change, because god-dammit, who doesn’t want to feel sexy enough to bephotographed naked?
Yep, I know - she is all kinds of AMAZING.Now can we all go and follow her on Twitter please and send her good luck wishes for this weekend - enjoy it girl, you've earned it.

