image c/o weheartit
Today, is my little blog’s first birthday. I lovea good cliché and it’s never been so true that the time has literally flown by –I can’t quite believe that a whole year has gone by and how much I’ve grown tolove my blog and the blogging community as a whole. To think that on April 4th2012 I had one follower (myself HAHA) and now I’m sat here writing to over athousand people makes me feel all funny inside.
Blogging is simply a hobby for me but to think ofall the things I’ve done with it and all the little doors it’s opened up for meis crazy. I mean I’ve made some wonderful friends, it’s helped to grow myconfidence in myself – before blogging I was turning into a bit of a wallflowerand there’s nothing at all wrong with that but I feel like it’s given me theboost I needed – to believe in myself and know that if I want something enoughI can achieve it; of course I’m sure it’s had that effect on many of you too.
All I really wanted to say was a big thank you –thank you for being so wonderful and for continuing to read my weeklyramblings. And also to say, if you are a blogger don’t be too hard on yourself.I think that within blogging we can get a little bit lost sometimes – we spendtime worrying whether we should be writing about a particular subject and if westray from that subject it means we’re a bad blogger, I couldn’t disagree more.I love fashion, I love beauty, I love writing about things I find interestingoutside of those categories and Wonderful You is a place for me to share all ofthose ideas that pop into my head. Don’t get me wrong I think consistency isalways a positive thing and if you want to write a post every day of the weekand that works for you then that’s fantastic but if like me, blogging issomething you take the time out to do and you don’t have a few spare hours aday to dedicate that time then that’s absolutely fine too. You should embracethe fact that it’s your space, your content and no-one else’s. Some of myfavourite bloggers post every other week and some of them post everyday and Ilove them all the same - it doesn’t matter as long as what you’re doing makes youhappy, because let’s face it positivity shines through in every way.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLOGGY! Here’s to another year of fun times andramblings, thank you for being the best readers anyone could ask for you meanmore to me than you know and so does this blog!
p.s. On Easter Sunday I was invited down to BBCRadio Northampton to have a cheeky interview with the wonderful Helen Blablyand Gok of the North Jules! You can have a listen here if you’d like (skip to 2hours 35 minutes and that’s when my slot starts!) hope you enjoy it, I wassuper nervous.

