You may have seen my series of acne posts back in 2014*, where I went in to great detail about the treatment I received through Courthouse Clinics.If you didn't, I'll give you a brief low-down.For my entire teenage years I was spot free, the envy of my school friends with only the odd spot when Mother Nature knocked once a month. Until I hit my twenties and all hell broke loose on my face. I was lumbered with years of persistent breakouts, welts, whiteheads, boils, the lot. Now I don’t mean to say I had the worst skin in the world, that’s not what this was about. But it did affect me in a really negative way – I’d cry every morning because it was so painful to wash my face, let alone put a load of makeup on to cover it. I drank heaps of water, ate healthily; my lifestyle was good enough to warrant a better face than I was graced with, lets put it that way. I visited the doctors who gave me Duac Gel, a prescribed ointment that contained bleach and basically made my skin a million times worse, with no alternative offered when that didn't work out for me. I’d almost given up hope until Courthouse Clinics swanned in and essentially saved my skin.So, that’s what this video is about. Me having acne and the process I went through to clear it up.It includes facts about my first consultation with Courthouse Clinics, the products I used/use, the treatments I received and before and after shots. It’s pretty lengthily, so I’d grab a cuppa and get yourself comfy.Now, let’s talk about kicking acne’s butt.... 

 Here's hoping that you found the video a little helpful. This isn't to say that what worked for me will work for you, but hopefully, it will show that with a little persistence (it's taken me over a year to get to a place where I am happy in my skin), you can find something that helps you and that it doesn't necessarily have to cost the earth.Not everyone is happy to bare their naked face on the internet and I totally get that, it's scary! But I figured if I can maybe give just one person a bit of hope, then it's totally worth it. So with that being said, please feel free to leave comments below on any tips you have for acne sufferers - a problem shared is a problem halved after all :-)*If you want to read the posts mentioned above you can find all the links here, they'll give you oodles of information on top of the video!Finding CourthouseSkincare RoutineThe TreatmentsBefore and After


