ghd V Pink Diamond Styler*
I don’t think there’s a girl (or a guy for that matter),that doesn’t know about ghd’s. For many they are the holy grail in thestraightener world and I’m no exception to the rule. Since I started secondary school – whenmy mum finally caved and agreed that perhaps my frizzy frizz bomb hair wasn’t themost attractive look for a teenager trying to discover her inner goddess, I’vebeen their #1 fan and haven’t ever used anything else! In that time I’ve owned3 pairs and I’ve only repurchased due to be a little superficial and wantingthe newest edition (c’mon, we’ve all succumbed to the prettiness, right?) my most recent ones I’d had for over 6 years andthey were still going strong, but....
This time around I’m lucky enough to be the proud ownerof their brand new Pink Diamond design. From the hot pink shade to the glitteryblack plates there isn’t much not to love about them. Of course it’s alwaysnice to have a hair styler that looks pretty, but the really special thingabout these limited edition ghd’s is the cause that it’s supporting. Over thelast 10 years, ghd have released a new pink styler and through this time haveraised over £7million for breast cancer charities worldwide – that’s prettyamazing right? So how does it work? Well, every time we buy this pretty littlepackage £10 of the total will be donated to Breakthrough Breast Cancer. Something I think is quite lovely, really.
I personally only use my straighteners to straighten myhair and I have to say it’s completely effortless – they glide through my hairbeautifully and don’t catch, tug or pull. However, if like many others you liketo use your stylers for curling your hair, their plates come with a contourededge, so they’re designed to create that perfect curl or wave! They really canachieve pretty much any look and if you’re looking for some inspiration you canfind tutorials here on their website.
Not only does this perfect little styler come with a fabpaddle brush, it also has some pretty fancy, not to mention important features...Theextra long cord gives more flexibility, no more worrying about perching rightnext to a plug to get around your whole head, you can have a little jog aroundif you fancy it? Just me? Okay... It also comes with an automatic sleep modethat switches them off if they haven’t been used for more than 30 minutes, Iknow, every girls dream right? But my favourite is the slide-y on-off button,when you switch it on, it lights up pink and gives out a little tune that I canonly describe as a little hair fairy sharing it’s joy.
Overall I think it’s quite obvious that I wouldn’t bewithout my ghd’s, they’re 100% my investment hair styler and even though they’rea little pricey, they’re completely multi-purpose, look beautiful and not onlythat with these particular ones you’re supporting a really wonderful cause.What more could you want?!
I thought you might quite like to see them in use, sohere’s a video all about how I straighten my hair – enjoy! :)

