I Heart Fall | TAG! Video

Me, in a puddle...
Fall - or as we like tocall it here in England, autumn, is literally my favourite time of year. Notonly does it mean we’re super close to Christmas (53 days to be exact, squeee!Yes that’s right I AM one of thosepeople), but it means that the weather starts to cool, the woolly jumpers andbobble hats can come out to play and for me, it means a time for family. I justlove it.
Which is why I thoughtthis video was perfect. ‘I Heart Fall’ - is my first tag, and I really enjoyedmaking it. Although - I hope you guys can forgive me for being a Starbuckshater, waaaa.
What’s your favouritetime of year? Have you tried this tag yet? Be sure to let me know by commentingbelow if you have!

October Joliebox | Let's talk Organic


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