Dress: c/o Traffic People. Earrings: c/o Temp Sec. Boots: Hudson of London. Hat: Topshop.  Rings: Alex Monroe & Bohemian Collective.
Well that smashing weather lasted all five bloody seconds– can’t say I’m not a little miffed about it. Nonetheless it’s still slightlywarm enough to pop on a little summer dress and beef it up with some woolly tightsand booties.
Green and blue are my favourite colours but oddly I don’treally have that many items of clothing reflecting my love for them! So ofcourse this dress is a welcomed addition to my S/S collection..the fabric is solight and bouncy making it hang beautifully. I was a little put off when Iopened it to see a giant dress but I quickly spotted the pull-ties in themiddle to tuck it in nicely to your waist; meaning it will be a dress that youcan pretty much keep in your wardrobe forever regardless of whether you pop ona few pounds or not. If I’m being honest I think this dress was actually madefor me – it has so many attributes I look for in a piece of clothing, a collar,detailed buttons and a loose, flattering fit to name but a few.
I also kinda broke my spending ban, whoopsy – but my headwas cold and needed a new hat to keep it warm, plus it’s pretty and will gowith everything.
I’ve been feeling really quite crap about my blog thisweek and I can’t put my finger on why. I just feel like I’m getting a bit boredwith myself and that that’s probably showing through on my posts because it all feels a little, odd. I know that us bloggers have these phases and theycome and go but when you’re in the middle of it, it feels like forever. Perhapsit might be an idea to take a break for a little while, although I’m burstingwith posts to write left right and centre...bluh what am I like!
Anyway on a brighter note - TGIF!!!! I’m sure I’m not the only one who was thankful for thelong weekend just gone, it’s lovely to have a slightly shorter week, isn’t it? Do you have many plans for this weekend?



