When we moved in to our home the first thing I wanted to sink my teeth in to was the bedroom. I have to admit that Daniel's been an absolute angel and let me have free reign in there -  and although it's still a work in progress, I thought it would be nice to share where we are with it :) There's still so much I want to do but here we are...


Starting off with my favourite purchase in the whole wide world ever...our bed. It was bloody expensive, but honestly, it was worth it. The French Bedroom Company is one of my favourite shops in the world and it was always a dream of mine to own a bed from there, not actually ever thinking I would. When Daniel asked me what sort of bed I wanted, and I sent him a link to this one I couldn't believe it when he replied saying he loved it too. We went for a Super-king and I know it's such a lot of money, but we looked at it as an investment - it's something we're going to love and cherish for so many years to come and I it's probably the best purchase I've ever made.Now, although we were lavish in purchasing our bed I kept my vintage loving, second hand Sally head on for the rest of the furniture. When looking for vintage pieces my first point of call is always eBay, searching your local area is an excellent way to find affordable, good quality furniture. My dressing table was a mere £20 from a local lady emigrating to New Zealand (and she threw the stool in for free too!). For a sort of beauty blogger I don't really fit the bill, I can't stand muji storage and simply, things just go where they go. I like a bit of organised chaos and not having too much structure.Local auctions are also a fantastic way to kit out your first home. This amazing Scottish chest of drawers is one of my favourite additions to the bedroom and we picked it up for £100 which is such a bargain when something like this would retail at £400-500 minimum. We've picked quite a few things up via auctions, so if you'd like to see a separate post on that please let me know!Our wardrobe, second chest of drawers and bedside tables were old, second hand, pine hand me downs. I really hate pine. So mum and I did a bit of DIY and re-invented them :) I've got a post coming up on how I re-work my furniture, the paint I use and techniques applied, so keep your eyes peeled for that!My bedside table is kept to a minimum. I'm a messy pup, so if I was to have too much going on it would just become a mound of rubbish. My Jo Malone candle (which I'll be blogging this week) is kept company with a lovely little artificial, flameless candle. I am a huge lover of candles (how many more times can I say candle?) and the atmosphere they create, but I can't always be bothered with lighting them, or having something scented filling the room so having this little beaut by my bed is perfect!So, that pretty much sums up our bedroom my dears. I hope you found it somewhat interesting, it's one of my favourite places in the house and I can't wait to add some more bits to it. I'm thinking some art on the walls and perhaps a rug :)What do you think?

Other items, photographed but not mentioned:
Bedding: Dunelm Mill
Long Mirror: The Range
Dressing Table Mirror: Vintage
Bird Ring Trinket: BHS
Bird Cage: VintageFloral Crowns/Headbands: Crown and Glory
Handmade Sock Dolls: By Daniel!
Any other storage, trinkets or ornaments: Vintage/Carboot

