Okay so this is some pretty hefty news for WonderfulYou..I only went and got bloody shortlisted in the Company Style BloggerAwards! I know – I can’t really believe it either, it only seems like yesterdaythat I started this little bubble of happiness in my life and to think thatother people think it worthy of an award is CRAY. But honestly – it makes mefeel giddy inside and so, so proud. Thank you so much to every single amazinglyamazing individual that placed their vote to get me to the shortlist I amsending you the fattest virtual snog ever.

I said it last time and I’ll say it again – I do feel abit naughty writing a blog post about this and I hope it doesn’t annoy peopletoo much, but I promise this will be the last you’ll hear of it on my blog!
If you wanted to vote for me to win it’s super simples. Just click here and I am under category 6 – Best Fashion Blog Newcomer; you have toclick ‘next page’ 6 times in order to get to my slot, but there are some otheramazing categories with amazing bloggers if you want to vote for them on yourway to mine! :) then just continue to click next page until you get to the endwhere it says ‘Submit’, your vote will then be counted.

If you do choose to vote for me, it will mean theabsolute world. And I know it sounds silly and mushy, but I don’t mind at all if Idon’t win – there are some wonderful blogs that I’m up against and just to beshortlisted has literally made my year! If you don’t want to vote and managedto get to the end of this ramble, then thank you for reading and apologiesagain for being a bit of a nag!

Sending out SO much love to you – thank you all  for being truly supportive andfan-bloody-tastic. And of course a huge BIG LUCK to everyone else shortlisted - congratulations :)

