What seems like yesterday, I shared something pretty damn personal – my naked face and the acne that covered it. Putting myself out there, with one of my biggest insecurities exposed was a big deal for me. Any girl or guy that has suffered with acne, no matter how severe, will understand that letting people see you at your most vulnerable is no easy feat. But the response and support I received after beginning my journey with Courthouse Clinics was insane – you are the inspiring ones, that make everything worth it’s while.
BEFORE: 23rd January 2014
And here we are 4 months later, treatment completed and results at the ready. And as I sat down to take the ‘after’ pictures, I felt sick. What if the world hated my face, even though I was so happy with it? What if this was a bad idea and I’d be better off wearing a little bit of makeup to cover up those remaining imperfections?
But I took them, because that’s what you do when you commit to something…


AFTER: 3rd June 2014
All photo's are taken with natural lighting and are NOT edited - no makeup was worn in either set.

So, there I am, makeup free and for the first time ever, I looked at my bear face on a computer screen and smiled. Regardless of whether my skin looks perfect to the rest of the world, the journey I have travelled to get to today makes me happier than anyone else’s point of view.

To see no spots, be oil free and have minimal scarring is something I could’ve only dreamed of last year. No more waking up with a face so sore I cried, or fighting the urge to cake my face with high coverage foundations. A few weeks ago I rolled over in the morning and the first thing Daniel said to mewas ‘have you got makeup on?! Your skin looks so clear’ – No, no I haven’t *does happy dance with smug face*
There is no price you can put on confidence, feeling comfortable in your own skin will never be overrated Tweet this
8 sessions ofPriori AHA Peels and Omnilux Light Therapy over an 8 week period are the reason I’m so darn happy. Courthouse Clinics came in to my life when I needed them most, as if somehow the universe just knew I needed a helping hand. They’ve been absolutely incredible from beginning to end – from initial contact arranging my free consultation to booking in my 8 treatments with complete flexibility. The Birmingham clinic ladies were so friendly and full to the brim with information. There was never a promise that at the end of my treatments my skin would be acne or scar free, just that it would be greatly improved – remember, this isn’t an invasive treatment (and it's pain free!). The way the Omnilux and Peels work is that that they continue to penetrate under the skins surface weeks after they’re applied, meaning results aren’t instant and even after your final treatment it can still be a month or two before the results become more apparent - for me it's been 2 months of treatment and 2 months post treatment to get to this stage.What you need toremember is that your skincare routine will also play a huge part in this treatment becoming a success. On my free consultation, my consultant advised what products she thought would be best for my skin and since that day I’ve pretty much used nothing else. They’re the only skincare products I’ve found that my skin doesn’t become immune to after a few months use, not to mention that they’re reasonably affordable, meaning maintaining it won’t be an issue.
Now, every day I wear a mineral foundation to work and can reach for dewy, lightweight foundations for evenings out. Saving your skin may not be cheap but it’s certainly worth the investment, non?
Who doesn't want to look in the mirror everyday and think: 'GOD DAMN I LOOK GOOD?!'Tweet this
I know I do - I mean selling a few items from my wardrobe and taking advantage of Courthouse’s payment plan would mean I could enjoy this treatment all over again and I would recommend it in a heartbeat.Don’t be scared of taking that step, because I swear I'm a new woman - and feeling like you can take on the world with your confidence is a force to be reckoned with.To find out more about Courthouse and the treatments they offer click hereTo read my full story, follow these links: Finding CourthouseSkincare RoutineThe Treatments

Black and Blue.


A Spring Makeup Tutorial