(KMS Tamefrizz Fighter Kit - £29.50 c/o KMS California Salons)

It may sound silly, but hair is one of my favouritethings about a person - I really think it speaks volumes about your personality.Everyone’s idea of ‘perfect’ hair is different and every single person hasdifferent hair ‘issues’. I’ve always been quite lucky with mine, in the respectthat I don’t have to use heaps of products to maintain it’s condition - howevermy one major niggle is frizz. I try my best not to blow-dry my hair, butsometimes needs must and when I have to do it my hair is WILD. It is so thick,that the only way it knows how to react to heat is to frizz up – which isobviously not ideal, I think that’s why I find it so much easier to style myhair the day after I’ve washed it.
Trialling KMS California’s new fight frizz range was somethingI got a bit too excited about – usually I hate the thought of washing myhair but I couldn’t wait to see if it had a positive effect. So, let’s runthrough the products in the range one by one...
Shampoo & Conditioner:
The shampoo lathered up quite nicely however it wasn’t fullon, so you know there’s not too many nasties in there making up for their lackof care with frothiness. With some shampoos I find that it makes my hair everso knotty, meaning the conditioner has to work really hard to smooth it all out– this shampoo rinsed out beautifully and left my hair feeling super nourished(even under the shower). Following on with the conditioner focusing myefforts on massaging the product into the ends of my hair and working up tomid-way (never put conditioner in your roots...GREASE), rinsing it out I was pretty damn impressed. My hair felt so smooth under the water and completely de-tanlged.De-Frizz Oil:This is my favourite out of the three products. Applying from mid-way to the tips of my towel dried hair before blow-drying this oil is promising to hold on to those extra bits of frizz that the shampoo and conditioner couldn't quite catch and it definitely works it's magic. As I mentioned above, my hair is huge when I blow dry it and this really helped to tame it. I've also been keeping this in my handbag to use over the ends of my hair when I'm out and about to help if the air is damp etc.The smell of all the products is heavenly, quitemusky and sweet and it leaves your hair smelling of the product but it’s not atall over powering - a little bit like Theirry Mugler's Angel, but more subtle. Overall I'm impressed with the results - it definitely does what is says on the tin and leaves my hair smelling lovely. I think however, I would replace the conditioner with one tailored towards split ends just so I'm getting the nourishment my hair needs.The picture above shows my hair freshly blow-dried from the shower - only using the KMS products.Please do take in to account that these products aren't for dry or damaged hair and none of them will protect the hair, they will just help to keep frizz and flyaways at bay.Is frizz something you and your hair suffer with? If you're screaming yes and want to get your mitts on the range it's available in selected KMS salons - find your nearest one here!

