Mixing Prints | Outfit Post

Following on from my last outfit post I findmyself constantly reaching for comfort at the moment. There’s nothing betterthan whacking on an outfit that you don’t need to worry about – no your topsnot going to fall down and your skirt isn’t going to ride up your bum, it’sjust effortless and comfortable.

Scarf: c/o Hannah Belle. Playsuit: thrifted. Jumper: factorie. Belt: Thrifted. Boots: Urban Outfitters
Although I was a little in the mood for mixingprints – is feathers, polka dots and spikes too much? I don’t think so :) Ifeel oddly right with all this business and feel uber relaxed with the bagginessof everything!
Throughout winter and the cooler months as wehead in to Spring you will always see me sporting a scarf. For me they completean outfit and I’m particularly fond of bold, statement scarves that bring pieces together and help a plain top stand out.  I’m pretty much in love with this littlebeauty sent to me by the gorgeous Hannah of Hannah Belle. You must check out her shop filled with gorgeous home bargains & this item of loveliness was only £8.50, making it a real bargain! The mix of colours and the softness means it fits my perfect scarfchecklist and it’s also going to be light enough to team with little dresseswhen the weather starts to warm up.
My playsuit is one of my absolute favourite’s,it used to be my mum’s underwear and I just can’t understand why you would wantto wear it under your clothes – it’s so pretty! I threw this jumper over thetop just to keep me warm and tucked it in to my belt (also my mum’s old one) Ithink it’s perfect for bringing the whole outfit together.
How do you feel about clashing prints? I’d loveto see some other bloggers posts on these sort of styles? 



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