I realised that I’ve become rather consumed with so many outfitposts that I’d stopped updating you guys on what’s actually going on in mylife. A pretty accurate reflection on my happenings is my instagram feed – I poston it most days, sometimes more than once if I’m feeling particularly snaphappy! So without further ado, I introduce to you...Moo’s Musings. It will be arandom collage of photographs, more than likely nabbed off my instagram, to showyou all the life-y things in-between blogging :) let me know if it’s something you’d like to see on aregular basis!
L-R: I purchased the coat of dreams (see here for fulloutfit post on just how bloody lovely it is).
My little sister is trying her hand at ‘felting’ a ratherskilled technique (that I will let you google for yourselves), but how SWEETare my little peas in a pod :) I do ruddy love you Lily!
Who else but the infamous Zoe Newlove. I’ve mentioned herand her yummy blog for yonks on here. She came to stay for the weekend and wewent out for a night on the tiles..literally.
When Zoe was here we stopped off in Kurt Geiger. I fellin love with these boots. BE MINE.
Monday blues are always soaked up by an evening pamper –(hello NEOM bath oils)
The first fire in our new home. Full credit to Daniel, I waspurely a spectator.
Mum and I went shopping. Costa was a necessity.
Probably the best sign I’ve seen in a London Underground.
HELLO London Retro know I love you.
How amazing are these gloves? My lovely friend Pollybought them as a belated birthday present (pretty sure they are from Primark,if you want to get your mitts on them – get it? Mitts? Paha).
Daniel looking all handsome, ready for a shopping trip toBirmingham!
Ear stuff.
We picked up this cute little lamp from the Range.
A little snap of our house – I feel so lucky to come hometo this every day.
Probably the best smell ever..Morgina body wash from theBody Shop (blog post to follow!)
Somehow, I was selected to be a participant in Access AllASOS, and this was the lovely little welcome parcel they sent me.
Got my hair did. Slightly redder this time!
Sometimes, it’s good to be a little naughty. Chips andgravy at work? Why not.
Meet Simone, the prettiest little lady.
Logs..make quite the nice display next to the fire place!Setting up ready for winter :)
A cheeky selfie from a night out with Simone! My firstattempt at a (sort of) smokey eye.That's all for now - see you again soon!

