L-R: Daniel getting a smooch. Posing with the fitty Zoe Newlove. Girlies. Welcome to the gun show? My favourite lady. Gorgeous Kel Bel. Monie and her Banana ;). Always smiling with Sara. Bump and Grinding with Charlypops. (Orange Jumpsuit from Ted Baker!)
Okay, so in fairness it was my birthday like a month agobut hey, it’s always nice to share lifey things with you lot and I’ve finally gotaround to it!
I turned 24 on the 3rd July and I have toadmit I hadn’t given my birthday a second thought what with the house move andall that, this year has just whizzed by. Daniel and I agreed no presents thisyear – we’d just moved in and have forked out so much that the funds could goto something more necessary, like a sieve ;)
He did however surprise me with this pretty amazingbirthday cake (and tickets to Bruno Mars aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! He is rubbish at keeping to pacts). Nightmare before Christmas has been my favourite film since Iwas a wee nipper so to have something as awesome as this really means a lot tome. Plus, it was probably the best cake I’ve ever tasted – the jam and butterfilling was the creamiest of creamy and the sponge was so moist and scrummy Ionly shared a few pieces!
When I got an email from Debenhams Flowers saying they’d like tosend me some birthday flowers I was so chuffed; how thoughtful and absolutelylovely. The bouquet is so gorgeous and there hasn’t been a day since we movedin that I haven’t had flowers in the house – so these were a welcome additionand I received so many comments on them! Debenhams have also been very lovelyand offered you lot some cheeky discount that lasts until August 31st using code: bdayb15 at checkout; so if you have any birthdays comingup, get involved!
I also had a compulsory night out with the girls (and boys, when ithit early hours!) which was a jolly good laugh, pimms, pimms, rum and cocktails equaled a very messy, but fun evening :) Zoe (best beauty blogger in all the land) also came to stay, as you've probably guessed from the photo's! She is such a babe and if you haven't checked out her blog yet, GO DO IT. It was so lovely to meet her and have her there - it's official that blogging introduces you to the bestest of peoples and she's become a true friend.So, that was my burfday in a short(ish) summary! Nothing too extravagant..saving that for the big 25 next year (WAA).Hope you enjoyed a bit of a lifestyle ramble lovelies...how do you usually celebrate your birthday?

