My Happy New Year | What does 2013 mean to you?

  Firstly, I'M HOME!!!! Hope you haven't missed me too much ;) and a huuuuuge thank you to all the gorgeous bloggers who guest posted for me whilst I was away. Hope you all enjoyed reading them as much as I did. I have SO much I want to write about over the next few weeks, and don't fret - I will be providing you with a post dedicated to my trip to Australia! :D
  Anyway - I’m aware that I’mperhaps a teensy bit late for the ‘New Year’ blog post. But I’m writing itanyway ;) c’mon I have been away in Australia for the month, so thisessentially is my New Year.

  So everyone, every yearstarts their January with New Year’s resolutions. You know the ones…lose thestone put on over Christmas, eat healthy, go to the gym etc. etc. And that’sall well and good – I mean don’t stop, especially if you actually stick to themfor the whole year. However, I think the only person I’ve ever met that hasstuck to and achieved their New Years resolutions is my boyfriend. I’d be verykeen to hear of anyone else that has! I guess I'm just not very good at sticking to things when my hearts not in it. But don't get me wrong, I totally commend the people who can and do - do it.

  This year, I’m going tochange my tune a little and take a leaf out of his book. I’m not goingto set resolutions that I clearly won’t keep or that to be honest I really don’twant to. Yes I have personal objectives that I would like to accomplish thisyear, like buying my first home amongst a few others. But they aren't NewYear’s resolutions, they are simply life.
  2013 for me will purelybe about being more positive. 

  Being in Australia (albeit for only 3 weeks) hasgenuinely made me feel a bit gutted about my country and our culture. Don’t getme wrong, I love my home and all the beautiful places that are under our littleEuropean roof – but honestly, we are the most grumpy, negative bunch of peoplepretty much ever. 

  Perhaps the sunshine over the other side of the world makeseveryone a little bit merrier but really, it’s so shockingly different. I amdetermined going forward that every morning I will wake up and remind myselfthat life is not so bad. Yes we have deadlines, yes we are stressed, yes moneymay be tight, yes we’ve had an argument with our partner over who left thefridge door open but life is GOOD! 

  If you’ve met me you’d know that sometimes(more often than not) I can be a bit of a negative ninny. And I’m fully awarethat sometimes I am not going to be able to be a positive penny, but I am definitely 100%going to make myself look for the positives before I go to whinge and whine.

  The past month of mylife has been pretty much the happiest I’ve been in a long while. I was surroundedby positivity and happiness and it’s just infectious. If everyone here was justa tad jollier I can pretty much guarantee we’d all be smiling a hell of a lotmore. 
all images courtesy of

  So if like me you’re abit ‘done’ with setting yourself unrealistic and unachievable goals, I’d loveit if you joined in and jumped on the happiness bandwagon! (Enough cheese, or?) 
  This year will be the best yet – I know it.

  What about you lovely lot? What does 2013 mean toyou? :)

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