My Heart is Yours: A lifestyle blog post on living with a broken heart and trying to figure out the answers.

How do you learn to exist without the person who completed your puzzle? The one who made sure that the last piece slotted in perfectly.Emotions are funny things aren’t they.A relationship ends for one reason or another and at the time it seems the only viable option. But when you see that man, the one who you gave everything, planning a future with someone who isn’t you - what are you meant to do with that? Suddenly, all the reasons for it ending between you seem to evaporate and all you can see is how you could make them happier, how you could really make it work this time.All logic is lost in the mist of hurt and jealousy. Comprehending them loving someone, being in love with someone else - surely that’s impossible. Because if you aren’t capable of loving someone else yet, how can they be?It makes you question what it was that you had, what you’d held in such high esteem. What did that all mean if it doesn’t resonate with them like it does with you? It sparks a new thought process. You’d made your decision, the end had come. But now, now there’s another and it makes you think: ‘would it be best to try again’?And then sometimes your mind will let you remember: Everything was wrong. The relationship shattered in to tiny little pieces, that just felt too difficult to put back together again. And so you didn’t.My question is this: How long does it last? This confusion, the constant ache in your chest? How long can we ride the storm without breaking down and losing the parts of ourselves that make us able to fight? How long until you just know the answer - because 'time is a healer' isn't helping.All I am certain of is that for now, my heart is yours. For you’re the one who taught me how to open it and love with all I had. And there will never be another, like you.


