Today’s video is a sneak peek in to what my current morning routine looks like. Now that I’m working for myself and essentially, from home, it’s really important to me that I make sure I get ready on a morning. Take time to make myself a good breakfast, plan my day and whack on some makeup. It’s a lonely old place working solo, so taking time to look after myself is a big part of the process of staying sane. You can expect eggs, because: DUH it’s all I eat, an entirely new beauty routine and all the comfy clothes. 

My Morning Beauty Routine, featuring Listerine Advanced White Mouthwash and wild about beauty lipstickMy Morning Beauty Routine, featuring Listerine Advanced White Mouthwash and wild about beauty lipstick
My Morning Beauty Routine, featuring Listerine Advanced White Mouthwash and wild about beauty lipstick
My Morning Beauty Routine, featuring Listerine Advanced White Mouthwash and wild about beauty lipstick

 This video is also in partnership with Listerine. In August their brand new Listerine Advanced White mouthwash was launched, and they sent it to me to test out.I don’t use any teeth whitening and never have, but this mouthwash can give you whiter teeth within two weeks - so it’s a simple and non-abrasive way to lift stains and gently introduce some pearlier whites in to my beauty routine with a non-faffy approach.The idea behind the campaign is to celebrate confidence with your smile, which I absolutely love. #PowerfulSmiles looks at the power behind a smile – how it can simply change and uplift someone’s mood – and just how important that really is.For me, when I was younger I always had problems with my teeth, it was one of the (many) things I felt self conscious about – so now, as an adult, it’s a no brainer to me that I’ll do anything to look after them. It’s super important to me that I feel comfortable and confident to wear a smile on my face every day. And Listerine understands that. They’ve teamed up with Louise Redknapp, the co-owner of Wild About Beauty (good god the beauty of that woman!), and she’s selected three lippies from her collection that match up with the Advanced White Mouthwash to help make our smiles even whiter. All the lipsticks have cooler undertones, which helps with neutralising yellow tinges to the teeth – but the message behind that is so much stronger than just a beauty staple.They want you to feel confident when you smile. To be proud of who you are and wear it with pride written all over your lovely face. Everyone’s teeth are important to them and we can’t all afford to spend thousands of pounds on whitening them professionally - or to take the downtime for teeth whitening home kits. So, let’s do the best with what we can, from the comfort of our home, in the simplest and quickest way we can.After all, a smile is one of the first things you notice about someone’s personality and appearance.I really hope you enjoy the video, please do let me know your thoughts and don’t forget to subscribe!Love you lot, loads.

Disclaimer: Listerine provided the product and sponsored the post as part of their marketing communications for the launch of Listerine Advanced White

