London Retro Glasses from My Optique*
A few years ago I started to get headaches, having a jobthat involves you sitting in front of a computer screen 9-5 (how glamorous) meansthat your eyes can get tired – and although my vision is pretty spot on, if Ihave to concentrate for long periods of time I can get a little blurry and myhead starts to hurt. So I had an eye test and was given a weak prescription to helpand now whenever my eyes are feeling a little sleepy I pop my glasses on and itgoes away. Magic.
Some people prefer to wear contacts, but I literallycannot stand anything to do with eyeballs let alone actually having to touchthem. Plus, I bloody love wearing glasses. Well, at first I really struggledwith them and when I looked in the mirror it made me want to cry a little bitbecause I just felt ugly. But after I came to terms with the fact that this wasjust a thing I had to live with and I couldn’t hate it that much because if Idid I would touch my eyeballs and put contacts in, I learned to sort of love them.I had the same pair of glasses since I got my first prescription, which ofcourse is absolutely fine but when My Optique got in touch and asked if I’dlike to receive a pair for review I was ruddy excited.
I thought I’d go for something a little different, youknow, for the days when I feel I want to look like Dame Edna or Lily Savage(which is pretty much every day I’ll have you know). Based on the classic cateye look worn by Marilyn Monroe but a little less subtle with the fabulous goldinlay London Retro’s Babs are definitely a more statement look for day to day wear. Putit this way, I’ve never had comments on my glasses in work before and I thinkevery single person made a remark on how awesome they were the first day I worethem. They’re reasonably expensive, but I think they’re worth every penny, fromthe beautiful shape to the sturdy frames and gorgeous case they feel elegant,look luxurious and are higher quality than any other pair I’ve ever tried on.The website is also pretty awesome, bearing in mind I hadn’t tried these on oreven seen them in ‘real life’ before making the decision the site do abrilliant job of portraying the glasses and what you see is exactly what youget. When I slipped them on it was exactly how I envisaged them, which ispretty nifty don’t you think?


I know these won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but I reallydo love them and there are some more standard frames on offer if you don’tfancy being a Whacky Wendy like me :)

