Outfit Post | My Fairy Princess Dress

Whilst Ican’t wait to share some of my holiday snaps with you lovely lot, I couldn't resistwriting about my massively gorgeous new dress first. It’s always such a yummyfeeling to come home from a trip away to a mountain of post, and as soon as Ispotted this package I couldn’t wait to rip it open to reveal the contents.... 

Dress: c/o OASAP Loafers: Camden Market Satchel: The Vintage Set

 You willprobably notice a trend with my outfits…I very rarely opt for the skin tightdresses or skirts; I just don’t find them overly flattering on my figure.Instead, my love lies with anything floaty or ‘swishy’ (yes, I went for theword swishy). That’s why this dress is my idea of heaven; I must admit I feel like a bit of a woodlandfairy princess in this. And let's face it, what girl doesn't want to feel like a fairy princess?! (please say I'm not alone here..) Not only does it tick my swishy wishes, it is literallythe easiest thing to wear ever. It’s perfect for this summer weather we appearto be having, and will slot nicely into my winter wardrobe too, teamed withsome black tights and brogues.
The lacedetail to the front and petticoat is a particular favourite; but the very bestpart about this dress is that it costs only £24!!! YES, £24 I spluttered at thescreen when I read it too. The intricate detail alone makes it worthy of a farheftier price tag in my eyes. And the quality is something that overtakes someof the top high street brands. If you like this little gem, you can pick it upfrom OASAP here
I couldn’t wait to wackout my little satchel again, and thought it would work well with my Camden loafers. Infact, I think I might wear it again this evening to see Michael Mcintyre (cue excitement overload!!).
What do youthink? Are you too a swishy dress lady?


Megs Went to Italy


Outfit Post | Megs is Home!