Outfit Post | The Vintage Set

One of the many reasons I love Twitter is for the avenue’sit opens; the possibilities of discovering new people/places are endless. So Iwas super-duper happy when Charlotte from The Vintage Set sent me a littletweet, telling me to check out her shop. And I am so glad I did, it’s uh-mazin’ (seriously go look, NOW). Wegot chat-a-lattin and it wasn’t long before I’d made my first purchase…

It arrived in absolutely no time at all, and how utterlybeautiful is the packaging? I was so impressed :). As you may have guessed fromprevious posts, I am a sucker for anything vintage and I literally squealedwhen I saw this ‘unidays leather satchel bag’….

Hat: Topshop, Top: Vintage, Skirt: Zara, Shoes: F-Troupe, Belt: Primark

Waaa it’s so beautiful it makes me want to cry, haha. It’sthe perfect size to fit all my clutter in and I love the suede badge embroideredon to the front, it makes me feel like I’m off to Hogwarts! 
The Vintage Set isa new little company on the big wide web specialising in 1920-1980’s vintage garments.I found it so refreshing looking through their site; instead of being swampedwith pages of clothes, there are only a few high quality vintage items tochoose from in each section. Quality over quantity is something I really love,especially when the prices are so affordable too. With a little bit of discountthrown my way, I picked my little satchel up for only £17 (inc. p&p). Andfor a pristine leather bag, I think that’s pretty awesome. All the items on thesite are marked up A, B or C, A being mint condition to C where the product hasnoticeable wear, so you know what you’re purchasing from the offset. Rangingfrom a Camo army jacket to floral midi-skirts there really is something foreveryone. Not only are the pieces fantastic so is the customer service;Charlotte was such a joy to chat to and replied to any queries I had almostimmediately.
I think it’s so special when you find a really lovelycompany, and I just couldn’t wait to shout from the roof tops about it to you wonderfullot.
What do you think of the bag? It’s my new favourite.

Topshop Lipstick | Fire Cracker


Outfit Post | Shopping the Vintage Stash | Issue #1