Blouse: Dahlia. Hat: Topshop. Skirt: c/o Skinnie Belle. Sandals: c/o EMU AustraliaS
I’ve been feeling a bit ‘meh’ over the last couple ofdays. A little bad news combined with feeling stressed about the move hasequalled a bit of a grumpy moo (I’m not calling myself a cow, it’s my nicknamehaha) surveyors negligence has left us a little in the lerch, failing to highlight obvious issue within the property - how rubbish . It may seem artificial and perhaps it is a little, but when I’m feelinglike poop it always helps me to dress in brighter colours - it  just makes me feel happier.

So that’s what I did :) This cropped blouse from Dahlia(picked up in the sha-mazing sale) is just too pretty and the print is solovely. It sits quite high so I don’t think I’d dare wear it without a high-waistednumber but the fit is fabulous. Skinnie Belle kindly sent me over this beautyof a skirt, firstly let’s appreciate the colour, it’s orange and amazing. Thefabric is unbelievably soft and I know that I’m going to get a lot of wear outof it regardless of the time of year - it will go perfectly with black woollytights and chunky boots in winter.

Shock horror my legs are out, haha. But it’s for goodreason, not only has it been uber muggy meaning wearing any clothes is ratherannoying, but these sandals are heavenly. EMU Australia sell the mostunbelievable shoes – luxury footwear at it’s finest. I think investing in asturdy pair of sandals is really important for summer time / holiday’s – there isnothing I hate more than blistered feet due to flip flops and these feel like little suede feathers surrounding my tootsies!
I’m hoping that this isn’t our English Summer though...I’dquite enjoy a few more roastie tostie weeks for my birthday! (which is nextWednesday by the way...god I’m old).
So - what’s your outfit of choice when you’re feeling blue? :)

