For the past 4 years I have battled with my skin – as you well know, I bloomin’ go on about it enough don’t I?! I have gone through the motions...
  • Sticking to a healthy diet
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Exercising (albeit minimal)
  • Being consistent with my skincare
  • Changing up my skincare
  • Swapping my contraceptive pill
  • Seeing my GP and receiving prescription medication
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Now of course I didn’t try all of these things at the same time, hell that’s bound to make me breakout – but over a 4 year period with the above changes applied over time here I am, still struggling and suffering.

I don’t claim to have the worst case of acne, or that anyone should feel sorry for me – but what I do believe, quite strongly, is that if you feel uncomfortable in your own skin then you will feel like I do and will consider or try near enough anything to get rid of the continuous breakouts and scarring.After trying everything within my power to shift these nasties I’ve now started to investigate going to a specialist for treatments.
This isn’t something you can get for free but when I consider that last year I spent over £100 on my winter coat, well..I think I can save those pennies and try and sort out my face – after all it is on display forever and always!  First up on my investigation list is sk:n – I’m sure you’ve heard about them before but if you haven’t you can read a detailed description on who they are here. In a nutshell they use the latest technologies and clinically proven products to help improve your skin, whatever your issue or treatment requirement, be it laser hair removal, wart removal or like me skin worries you can pretty much count on them having something that will help.
For me I'll be focusing on the treatments for acne, scarring and peels.
Acne Treatments:Isolaz is one of sk:n’s most popular treatments for live acne..using a device similar to a hoover (hehe), it works it’s magic by sucking out all the dirt, oils, excess sebum and unnecessary nasties in the skin. Also attached is a laser that releases a light that kills off any remaining bacteria, whilst the vacuum suction helps to bring the infected skin closer to the laser light, leaving less room for anything else to creep its way back in. A single treatment will cost you £130, but the way this treatment works is not a one off miracle cure – it’s something you need to be invested in and stick to for a while - but it sounds incredible.
These are the bad boys I’m most interested in – skin peels help to remove dead skin cells whilst encouraging your skin to naturally produce new, healthy ones. Unlike the Isolaz acne treatment, you do run the risk of having some slight swelling and peeling to the treated area but that’s what the experts are there point you in the right direction for what treatment will suit you best. They’ve currently got 50% off on Glycolic peels (AMAZING NEWS) so a single treatment at the moment would be a very reasonable £40 – but if like me you fancy yourself a few treatments (best idea) then you can get 3 treatments for 2 at £160, which I’m seriously considering. It’s still quite a lot of money, especially if like me you don’t have much to spare – but I think I might add it to my Christmas wishlist and try and contribute some pennies too so that I can get this baby on the road!

I can’t quite believe that we’re approaching the end of this year...but I do really feel like I’ve learned something about myself and my attitude towards my life in general, even though these months have flown by! I can be the most negative ninny and I rarely find myself looking for the best of a bad situation. However, I have realised that that will get me nowhere in life and that I am fast becoming my own worst enemy. Moping and moaning about my skin wont get me anywhere fast, but being positive and working hard in order to help myself help my skin will. I'll be pursuing these treatments and will let you know when I take the plunge and get started. The thing I'm most looking forward to is having an expert there to hold my hand and TELL me what will help, instead of constantly guessing...wish me luck! 

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*this is a sponsored post

