Dress: c/o Mina. Necklace: Vintage. Sandals: River Island. Hat: Topshop. Belt: Vintage

I have to admit that when it comes to summer I feel alittle out of my ‘fashion’ depth. I prefer my winter wear and as silly as itsounds I struggle wearing a singular item of clothing, like a dress – I lovelayering and being cosy. I also detest my legs. That said, we’ve had such anice bout of weather recently that I’ve really had to embrace it and stopreaching for my jumpers.

I’m going to a birthday BBQ on the weekend and this is 100% going to be my outfit of choice. If I haveto only wear one item of clothing, it’s going to be this dress as it’s so god damnpretty. The colour is gorgeous, the print is even better and I love the buttondetail to the back – overall it's clearly a winner. Mina is a brand that I just love and theirsales are always fantastic for picking up a beautiful bargain.
Hay fever appears to be ruining my life at the moment andmeans I can’t stay outside for more than a few minutes. However I have decidedI am going to kick it’s little tooshie tonight and do some painting in thegarden :)
Tomorrow is my best friends graduation and she hasinvited me along (I’m feeling super proud of her and quite touched to begoing!) BUT I have no idea what to wear – it’s going to be hot tomorrow and Idon’t really own many formal pieces of clothing. Any tips would be greatlyappreciated!
What’s your must have summer item? Is Mina a brand you’velooked at before?

