Sun, Sea &....Sun?

I don’t know about anyone else. But I desperately need aholiday. Pronto. I’ve been sifting through some old holiday snaps & it gotme feeling all antsy. Whilst I’ve learnt to embrace the ‘English Rose’ look thatseems to take over during the colder months, after half a year of lookingwhiter than Casper, I think I’ve earned a jolly good tan.
The boy & I are going away to Italy for 2 weeks inAugust; we’ll be staying with my family, & the villa looks absolutelybeautiful. It even has a few horses so we can go riding, eep! Very excitedindeedy.
This is said 'Boy'
We’re also going to Australia for 3 weeks over Christmas; we’restaying with his Aunty in Melbourne, Victoria. I CANNOT WAIT. I’ve neverventured out of Europe, so this is going to be a real treat. However, I have noidea what I’m doing. & I’m awful at planning things in life, so no doubtI’ll leave it too late to research all the hotspots & amazing things Ishould be doing whilst I’m there. If I was rich, I would employ some ravishinglife-planner man to sort me out. Ahem, I know what you’re thinking; it would bepurely platonic ladies. It’s just nice to have eye candy with your organisation, right?
I do hate wishing time away, but I really wish it wouldbloomin’ hurry up! Although I love being a little country bumpkin, living in apretty little village in England, I do sometimes wonder why my family didn’tdecide to be kind & live somewhere hot. Not that I’m bitter or anything.
So, do any of you lot have some advice on what I should getup to in Melbourne? I think I’ll need all the help I can get. The only thing Ihave on my list so far is penguin watching. Apparently there’s a lovely littlespot on a beach where you can watch them all walk up out of the water at thesame time, awhh :)
I also believe holiday shopping will commence rathershortly.
Where are you all off to on your jolly's this year? Are you excited? :) 

GLOSSYBOX April 2012


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