So that Zara jacket. I discovered it afew weeks ago and tweeted a picture - the amount of replies I got saying it wastheir most favourite jacket in the world ever was ridiculous. This little babyis clearly going to be a popular one over the next few months.

Usually that would really annoy me – I don’t professto have a fashion style that is overly ‘different’ but I also only dress inwhat I feel comfortable, which means you wont see me wearing converse, peplumsor bodycons to fit in with that seasons must haves; and I like to think thatmakes me a teensy bit different to the average person. However I literally don’tcare when it comes to this jacket. I frickin love it in fact, if I could marryit I definitely would and I know we’d live happily ever after. The amount ofcomments I’ve received about it since having it a totally of 3 days is mentaland I almost don’t want to tell the people that don’t already know because I don’twant them to have it, yeah I’m selfish.


Zara Jacket, Top: Urban Outfitters, Belt: Thrifted, Leggings: Topshop. Boots: Urban Outfitters, Dog: Monty
Teamed with my dear old velvet leggings and sheerurban outfitters top I’m definitely letting the jacket do the talking. Mythrifted (only got 20 dollars in my pockettttt) belt is my favourite ever – it’sfalling apart but that makes me love it even more and I like the way it breaksup all the black I seem to have going on almost every day of my life.
My nanny’s dog Monty fancied making an appearanceand apparently you can only be in the garden if you are going to throw hisball, obviously that wasn’t happening so he decided it appropriate to photobomb ;)
So – who else is making the necessary purchaseof this beauty?!



