Blogger Buttons, Business Cards & More! | The Wonderful Zoe Newlove

Design...I’dsay it’s something I have an eye for but when it comes to computers, HTMLcoding or actually drawing something – I suck. I have zero patience when itcomes to teaching myself things – if I can’t do it the first time I instantlygive up. When I was younger I always wished I could draw, paint, express mycreativity;  I think perhaps if I’dpushed myself a bit harder at school I may have been able to pick it up butnever mind!

This iswhere I am completely and utterly grateful for lovely fellow bloggers outthere, with a hell of a lot of design experience. And there is one particular ladywhom I swear by – not only are her designs top notch, her prices affordable butshe is actually the nicest person and someone I would like to class a friend. Miss Zoe Newlove.
I’d wantedto put some blog ‘business cards’ together simply to send out with my littlehandmade pouches or should I attend any blogging events to give out to people(much easier than relying on someone to remember your name!). I sent out alittle tweet and Zoe replied saying she’d be more than happy to help me. Iexplained what I was looking for and 2 drafts later I had my cards ready toorder. 

I also wanted a blogger button to match - I like to be matchy-matchy haha. I literally said to Zoe, I want my business cards, in a button format. Here are the results...

I'm so happy with them both - and can't thank Zoe enough! Her rates are so reasonable given the quality she provides; with the lowest offer at £5 for a post signature to the highest at £50 for a complete blog design - anyone who chooses to use her is getting a completely wonderful service at such a great price. And you're not just paying for the
If you want to have a nose at all the other design services she offers, you can do so here. I'm thinking about investing in some of her YouTube intro/outro graphics too!
Thank you lovely- you're awesome :). Has anyone else had the pleasure to work with Zoe on their blog? I'd love to see the results!
Oh and did I mention she's a make up artist too? (I know, she's wonder woman right) So if you fancy a makeover or even to learn a little bit more about 'how-to' with some private tuition...have a look here!

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