One of my best friends. She wrote a book.

You might know her, in fact I'm sure you do. I've written, tweeted and instagrammed about her endless times. She's really special to me, is Laura Jane Williams.

Last week, we celebrated her book launch. She wrote an actual book, you know, that goes in real life book stores. She poured her heart in to her manuscript - a memoir on sex, second chances and figuring out who the hell she is. She let the world see her. And I couldn't be more proud.

She invited me to stay with her, during book week (that's what we called it, because it simply couldn't be just book day). And that, filled my heart with a kind of joy I can't quite describe. I love this woman - quite an inappropriate amount, and to know that she wanted me to be by her side throughout such a huge experience meant an awful lot.

 A blog post featuring the launch of Gallo Spritz and Becoming the new memoir by Laura Jane WilliamsA blog post featuring the launch of Gallo Spritz and Becoming the new memoir by Laura Jane Williams 

We attended the book launch party, and she released her book of work to all the hungry, supportive, caring eyes who have followed this journey with her and we all cried and laughed and listened attentively and it was, amazing. I always knew how special she was, but everyone else seeing that too, the world seeing that, god it's really wonderful.

The evening after was the official day of the book release. Laura had decided quiet was needed after the whirlwind of a day just gone. We ate good food and tidied the house and replied to our emails and then we sat. We opened a bottle of fizz because: OHMYGOD YOU HAVE A BOOK AND WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING.

We took a sip, after toasting to Laura's achievements and both looked each other square in the eye.

This drink, tasted like heaven. Basically my mouth burst with all the insanely tasty fruity flavours.

I want to let you in on a little secret.

I rarely drink alcohol.

I guess there are a number of factors when it comes down to why exactly - but the main thing? I can never find alcohol I like the taste of. When I was younger and drank for drinking's sake, I'd be the one in the corner holding her nose, hoping no-one would notice whilst she gulped a few mouthfuls down in the hope she'd fit in.

I suppose I shook all that off when I grew up, but the stigma attached kind of stuck with me. I just didn't find myself leaning towards having a drink because I'd always associated it with bad tasting concoctions.

 A blog post featuring the launch of Gallo Spritz and Becoming the new memoir by Laura Jane WilliamsA blog post featuring the launch of Gallo Spritz and Becoming the new memoir by Laura Jane Williams 

But then there are special occasions, the times where all your friends raise a glass in celebration to something, someone - to Laura, and it's in those moments I want to toast with them. Not because I feel I should, it'd just be nice - to be at the book launch party and not just be sipping my sparkling water in a champagne flute.

So with that being said, I can honestly say I've never taken a sip of alcohol that hasn't made my shoulders shudder and my eyes squint - until this night.

I won't leave you in suspense any longer, I'm sure you;re dying to know what it is ;-)

This is the new Spritz Peach and Nectarine from Gallo Family Vineyards.

This fruity drink bursting with flavour could've been honeysuckle, literally the perfect drink to celebrate such a special time especially with its gentle fizz. We all have a tendency to stick our noses up at obvious advertorials - but actually, I couldn't be happier to have found something so perfect for my lifestyle and to be able to share it with you too.

It really was the perfect week. Seeing someone achieve their dreams. Seeing that hard work and determination and drive pays off, ten-fold. Realising that with a pinch of self-belief a recipe for dreams to come true can be created. And that we could both celebrate over a glass of subtle fizz put the cherry on top for me.

I read Laura's book in a matter of hours. I won't spoil it for you, but let's just say, if you've ever had your heartbroken, you'll relate. It's a good one (and you can get it here, if you'd like).

How amazing it is, to be your friend Laura, to see this amazing journey unfold. You've awoken a fire in my belly to keep striving for the things I want in life that no goal is too far to reach, no obstacle too high. And I love you, I do.

Here's to your next chapter.

Hello amazing life adventures, Hello Gallo.

This post is sponsored by Gallo Family Vineyards.

When it's time for wine, say Hello to Gallo.#HelloSpritz #HelloGallo

There are three delicious flavours in the range:

New Spritz Peach & NectarineSpritz Raspberry & LimeSpritz Pineapple & Passionfruit

If you want to try the new Gallo Spritz, check out their store locator. You can shop the range and find your favourite variant here

A blog post featuring the launch of Gallo Spritz and Becoming the new memoir by Laura Jane WilliamsA blog post featuring the launch of Gallo Spritz and Becoming the new memoir by Laura Jane WilliamsA blog post featuring the launch of Gallo Spritz and Becoming the new memoir by Laura Jane Williams

 Photography by Jack Williams (Laura's wonderful Brother!)


