This post is a paid partnership with MyVoucherCodesI've been taking to Twitter (at least twice a day) to request the help of my fellow home-owners: Where sells the best white goods? Where should I buy my curtain poles from? Who does their food shop online? The list goes on. And being the good people that they are, they'll always point me in the right direction - I mean, who knew there was so much to buy to go IN the new house you've just purchased?! It's a pricey time in my life, that's for sure.And the top tip I've received so far has to be:

Wait until the Black Friday sales!!

I mean duh - why hadn't I thought of that?To be honest I'd never given Black Friday a second thought until this year. Of course it makes sense to get savvy with my spending and make the most of some super amazing savings. But it can be a bit of a minefield too, and so today's post includes my top tips for making the most of this Black Friday...Enjoy!MyVoucherCodes-Debenhams-Black-Friday-Deals

  1. Make a list for you - What do you actually need? Might it be time to replace the microwave in time for Christmas? Or does your skincare drawer need a facelift? Go through each area of your home/lifestyle and prioritise what's important.
  2. Make a list for them - If, like me, you're not one of those super organised folk who do their Christmas shopping in September; boy-oh-boy is this time the best to get some cracking deals for family and friends. Shopping for others can add up pretty sharpish and you'll no doubt be able to save some serious pennies and cross most people of your 'to-get' list.
  3. Spreadsheet - I've said it before and I'll say it again: spreadsheets are my new best friend (Rue not included). MAKE A BUDGET AND STICK TO IT. It sounds simple, but it's true - don't let the excitement of the sales go to your head, work out how much you've got to spend, categorise it and make sure you don't go over. The one thing that's better than shopping? Knowing that you don't need to feel guilty about your bank balance once you're done.
  4. Pick the place - One of my favourite places to shop is Debenhams. Growing up it was the only department store in my local town and I used to love going there on my way home from college, spritzing a new perfume every day. It's kind of stuck with me since then and it's always the place I go to for Christmas gifts for my family. From the in-house clothing brands for Dad to the amazing Chanel beauty range for Mum and the electrical items for my brother to the Accessories for my sister; it literally has it all and I'm so grateful for that (not that I'm a lazy shopper or anything ;-)). When shopping any kind of sale, it makes sense to me to pick a store that has it all - typically there'll be a deal where you receive xx% of discount if you spend over a certain amount, and that always works out well if you're doing all your shopping under one roof!
  5. MyVoucherCodes - I'm sure you'll know them, and if you don't, where have you been? Literally every single time I buy something online, the first place I'll go to is - I'm the most impatient person, with anything really, and so I want to know what I can get and when I can get it and they offer me exactly that. Providing all the discount deals you could dream of, competitions galore and all the information you'll need when it comes to getting the very best deals. It's an absolute must to check out all the best deals this week.
  6. Start Early - Black Friday isn't just for the one day, most places will start the week before and the deals won't necessarily get better as the week goes on, so get your savvy spending head on and hop to it!!

And there you have it - a sure fire way to ensure you're spending your money wisely this week :)To find out more about what deals you can find at Debenhams visit MyVoucherCodes here - Happy Shopping!


