Crop Top: Topshop. Mom Jeans: c/o Ark. Sandals: Topshop. Earrings: Topshop

I think no matter how hard we try, how many dupes wediscover or how much our bank balance screams we will never be able to avoidthe pure delight that is Topshop.

I’ve got better – my visits to the website are controlledand infrequent but whenever I do let myself have a splurge it’s neverdisappointing. Grabbing myself a t-shirt, earrings and a pair of shoes for£50...well I’m quite impressed. Although my little sisters first impression wasthat I looked like a football referee, I’m quite taken with this top – I lovethe oversized sleeves and baggy fit. Pat Butcher earrings have always been my‘thing’ and there was no stopping me when I spotted these bad boys. Lastly theoh so adorable little shoes...they make me feel like I’m back at pre-school andthat I should probably be sporting them with some knee high white socks and I think my Ark mom jeans make the perfectfit!
So...I know what you’re thinking what’s the giveaway? Youguys really do mean a lot to me and even though my blog is only taking theteeniest slither of the internet I really do love that you read my ramblings and I like to be able to return the favour when I can! So, have kindlyoffered a £50 Topshop voucher for one of you lovelies to enjoy! I’m going tomake it super easy to enter so there will be just 2 requirements:
  • You MUST be a followerof Wonderful You on either GFC or Bloglovin’ (I will be checking!)
  • Please leave acomment below, with your name, email address and why you’d like to win.
The giveaway is open worldwide and will run for 2 weeks.A winner will be picked at random and announced on Friday 6thSeptember.Thank you again for being awesome and let's all give AO a big thank you too!

