A personal style travel post featuring the American Tourister VIVOTEC Hot Pink Case in association with ASOS
A personal style travel post featuring the American Tourister VIVOTEC Hot Pink Case in association with ASOS
A personal style travel post featuring the American Tourister VIVOTEC Hot Pink Case in association with ASOS
A personal style travel post featuring the American Tourister VIVOTEC Hot Pink Case in association with ASOS
A personal style travel post featuring the American Tourister VIVOTEC Hot Pink Case in association with ASOS
A personal style travel post featuring the American Tourister VIVOTEC Hot Pink Case in association with ASOS
A personal style travel post featuring the American Tourister VIVOTEC Hot Pink Case in association with ASOS
American Tourister VIVOTEC Hot Pink Case*. Grey Body: Asos*. Pink Maxi Skirt: Asos*. Belt: Vintage. Boots: Asos*. Pink Maxi Dress: Asos*

 I'm lucky enough to have made some (really quite fabulous) new friends through writing my blog, who are dotted all around the country. Be it London, Surrey or Cambridge, there's always a little road trip involved to see their lovely faces.So when ASOS got in touch with a proposition to collaborate with American Tourister I was hardly going to say no.I'm a girl and I have to say a pretty unorganised one, at that. I find it near on impossible to go away for a weekend and plan all my outfits, so a suitcase is always a must. I'll throw pretty much my entire wardrobe in so I don't have to stress when I'm there.A lot of the time I'll be visiting London to attend blogger events, but I'll tie that in with visiting friends and that means more than one outfit, which means? You guessed it, a suitcase.Now - London is a busy place, dare I say that people don't appreciate someone waddling along slowly with a hefty case whilst they're rushing to get their tube?That's why this case from American Tourister is so fabulous. Firstly, it's pretty darn bright - I mean, people are gunna see you coming. Secondly, it's super large which not only makes it perfect for your Summer holidays but it also means I can fit all those outfits in without having to sit on top of it to squash it down. Lastly, it's extra lightweight, 100% the lightest case I've ever travelled with (which is great for puny arms like mine!) Oh and it also has a bendy body (I know, right?) which means it's less likely to get damaged on your travels. Winning.Weekends are the only time I get to dress in my favourite items - so I've put together two similar outfits (get me, colour coordination to the MAX), that I'd typically wear if 'out and about' visiting all those lovely ladies of mine. Comfortable is key when travelling, but I do still like to make an effort where I can. I mean, shoes can be taken off on the train, y'know?Here's the best bit and where you guys come in...Want to get your hands on £100 worth of ASOS vouchers and a brand spanking new American Tourister case to boot?Click here and follow the instructions to enter yourself with a chance to win!Good luck my lovelies, let me know in the comments below if you entered.

Photography by Alexandra Cameron.
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